AFF's " High Society" ( Uri's POV ppl... )



 Hey ya peeps..




As you all know, i'm UrikoSakura aka Uri.. For the past a couple of months, i've been  having a blast here in AFF. Everybody is great, have their own characteristics, stories are fantastic and the features in AFF are awesome. All of those aspects made AFF a fun place to be in. I never regret in joining AFF, not even once, not every a tiny bit. I am grateful that i found this site. As some of you may know, i'm a girl who can come up with such crazy but sensible ideas and questions. Well, i am only human after all. Curiousity is in our nature.

Anyway,one day, as i was on AFF, as usual, a question just popped up in my brain. 


" As schools, colleges and even universities have kingkas and queenkas.. Why not AFF? "


After that question, my brain started to restart itself and do its work. It begin to come up with more and more questions making me more and more curious. In the end, i give up. Then the next question came to me.


" Who are the Kingkas and Queenkas of AFF? "


So i begin to do my research, to see who fits the role. I take note on who i see often online in AFF, who can handle weird issues that popped in the tagbox, who would help the newbies when they have questions, who are kind are to the AFFers and many more. But most importantly, who play the biggest role in the AFF society as the people who AFFers look up to.

I took my time in making a list of people who i see and thinks would fit the role of Kingkas and Queenkas of AFF. The group of people who has powers in my eyes and to other AFFers. The people who can change a bad situation to good. The individuals who care about the AFFers and wanting to interact with them instead just being the plastered wall.


Based on my research and brain juices that i have use to think about it,



I present to you :





Kingkas :

Nichiren ( Master Mod )



Queenkas :

Alex ( Staticdream )

Andi ( hanichan_1812 )

Minjee ( um3ising )

Kira ( KunoichiHakira666 )

Jen ( Rockabyebaby )

Carly ( Mashimarofan )









Nichiren - Nichiren or Nichi is the founder of this FABULOUS SITE. The Master Mod. The one person who made all these things in AFF possible. He may not be around to chat with us often, but he made sure that he would popped his head in once in awhile just to check on us. He is the backbone of this fan fiction society. Besides that, this busy master mod of ours even have a fanclub! The SAS Fanclub. How cool is that?! I mean, look at him, the guy is like a freaking kpop and jpop idol. No wonder he is famous. (No offence boss. Im just telling the truth. :P )



Staticdream - Static aka Alex is one of those AFFers that you can't help but love. She has the ability to talk to a person and make them like her. Once you start to talk to her, you would know how caring, gentle and loving this girl is. She is the lovable unnie and mommy of many younger AFFers. Anything that you don't know, she will be glad to help. Love by so many people, this girl has a fanclub too! Check out her fanclub : The Hot SciencE Fanclub.


Hanichan_1812 - Hanichan aka Andi is the boom! Andi is our senior mod. She is the founder of both Nichiren's and Staticdream's Fanclubs. This girl is pretty loca if you ask me. She is funny and lovable. She is the unpredictable in what she does or say sometimes but she is caring and good to others. Being a mod, she keeps the AFF clean and controlled. She is very helpful to thers too. The one other thing that i notice after knowing her, do not mess with her or you'll get it. 


Um3ising - Um3 aka Minjee is our sweet and gentle queenka. You may not see her often due to her schedule, but to me this girl got the nice queenka aura. She is known to many to be the nicest person around here. She even reminds our Alex to be nice with others. Lol. Once you get to know her, you won't forget her. So everybody, be look out for our Miss Minjee to experience the presence of this queenka.


KunoichiHakira666 - Hakira aka Kira is the queenka that can rocks the house. The first few moments after i chat with her, my impression was " This girl rocks! ". She is someone that you can talk to like you're talking to your long lost old friend. Kira is the one that you can count on if there's a fight or havoc in AFF if she's in. This girl has confidence and guts. She is not afraid to tell you her thoughts and there is nothing that can stop her.


Rockabyebaby - Rocka aka Jen. You might know her by her other nickname. About the nickname that she might use, let's just keep it as a secret . Just watch out at the tagbox. She is the one ninja queenka. Sometimes, she might just popped up when you least expected. She's kind and helpful. She is known to be friendly to all that she talk to.  


Mashimarofan - I introduce you Mashi aka Carly. She's one of the few Queen of in AFF. With this lady's track record in the world of of AFF, I'm sure you guys have read or heard the buzz at least one of her fics. One of it is on our innocent Alex. Hahaha.. Anyway, this girl can work magic on her fics. She's also a very nice person once you get to know her. A cool unnie of AFF with tonnes of ideas. One of a few master recognised in the art of writing that genre. Check out her fics if you wanna know what i mean. *wink*


PLEASE remember that this list is on my point of view. It is not made to provoke nor hurt others. Just a little something which is harmless that i came up with. If you dun agree with me, tell me about it ok? And i'll consider it? However, this society has limits. ^^











( P.S. : This list will always be updated by me. Please know that the names might add up in the future.  ^^ )


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awww *glomps and pounces and huggles*
I AGREE.<br />
I really do!<br />
:) <br />
Good idea!<br />
- Kana.
*looks down at Kira* You betch, I'm not a crazy-, I'm just insane. :P
I think this is a good idea, but personally, i've never thought of myself as a Queenka...Ever. lol <br />
I don't think i have influence over people. Do i?<br />
I like how i'm the one on the list that seems to be brash and loud haha. It's true though. All of the things you type are the truth; Alex and Minjee being really kind and willing to help anyone, Andi being a crazy- and me always giving my honest opinions.<br />
It's nice to see what other people think.<br />
Peace =^-^=
lol yep i love em all too though ive nvr meet nichi on the tbox
@Yoomi : Lol.. I just thought of a few.. I'll still be updating this based on my eyes.. ^^ <br />
@PoshTeen: Hahah.. :)
i totally agree with this blog bloom^^<br />
nice work^^ :P<br />
hmm me not here? i dont need to, tbh lol jk! :D i support our high society ppl :D :D
PoshTeen #8
I also love how I'm not on here either lol...and all those people you listed are my bestfriends on AFF XD
lol i love how karlo isn't here.