cause politics divide and ruin us

I'm pretty sure I've stated this before but I hate politics... and not just politics in the elections and such, I mean politics in everyday lives as well...


I hate this huge thought that it's Us or Them... 


let me ask you, aren't we all humans... and that sounds rather hippy-ish but in my opinion it's right- "Why should we judge people on their looks and beliefs when it should be their actions that distinguish them?"


I wrote this cause my friend was excommunicated from her church... and I find that kind of stupid. as someone who's not a perfect person, it's scary enough to go to a church and not be afraid they'll judge... but the church, originally were a place for the sinners and the down trotted, The church was for us to be safe but if you can't even feel safe to confess your sins in this place how do you ever expect to find a safe place?


it makes me ashamed to fly the Christian flag, it makes me sad that the people I associate with are forgetting Jesus' rules of love thy neighbor... and that means everyone, even your enemies... being a Christian doesn't mean you're better then anyone, it doesn't mean you can look down on others... Christianity is faith hope and love and in these days I feel as though no one knows this...


I don't care if you're Christian, Catholic, Muslim, I mean you can be atheist for Christ sake, but no matter what, no matter what religion, political view, ual orientation or race you shouldn't be looked down on or look down on others.


please, those with out sin cast the first stone... I think people don't understand this verse cause I seem to see alot of stones being thrown as I grow older.


with all that said, I love you and I want to make the world better... now if only I could...


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