❧ School of Magic | Choi Yu Mi



❧ School of Magic

 ~Candidate application~



Username: Panda-lover

Profile Link: <3

Nickname: Pandi

Activeness: 6-7 days a week, almost all the time



~The Candidate~


Name: Choi Yu Mi


Tricky- because she is a trickster 

People watcher – She is called this by people who don’t know her that well 


Birth date: 08 /02 / 1994

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Blood type: O

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Fluent English – Fluent Korean – Basic Japanese




Ulzzang/model nameMoon Dam Bi


| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |


 Backup ulzzang/model name: Seo Ji Hye


| 1 | 2 | 3 |

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 43 kg

Clothing style:


 | 1 | 2 | 3 |



| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |



 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |



| 1 | 2 | 3 |



 | 1 | 2 |


Others: None


~Candidate Information~


Yu Mi is a girl who few people understand. She is a hard nut to crake and is a mysteriousperson. You can never really know what she is thinking. But she finds it very easy to read people like an open book. She loves to observe people and predict what they will do next. Though she may not know what they are thinking she can see based on previous actions what they will do.


She has a lot of confidence and she means that she is always right. She loves to fool around with people just like they were a part of her game. She likes to make people do things subconsciously and is a manipulator.  She finds it interesting when people don’t do the things she expects. These are the people she hangs around.


She often blackmails people and she has a lot of information about almost everyone. She loves money and would often give information in exchange for money or services. You can say that she is a very mischievous person and wouldn’t do anything that isn’t in her favor.     


Most people will either ignore her or try to be friends with her. Not often because they like her but having such a source as information will most likely end up good for you. People are often afraid of her, not only because they have heard about her blackmailing people but that she will do all in her might to make a person’s life miserable if you get on her bad side.  


 She doesn’t often smile but instead she smirks or grins. Like she has a secret, and that’s probably the truth to. She is independent but knows that she can’t do everything alone. So she makes sure there are at least some people she can work with. But she has a hard time trusting people and in the end she thinks that you can only trust yourself.


Despise he cold appearance at first she actually loves to socialize with people and get to know them. She loves small talk. Too bad for her she feels lonely most of the times since she don’t think anyone likes her for who she really is.   









Being right

Windy weather 




Being wrong


Predictable people








Observing people or what she likes to call people watching


Stealing information



Smirks whenever she gets an idea or is right

Folding her arms when proven wrong

Looks like she is spacing out when talking to people she finds boring even if she is paying attention

Plays with her pocket knife when bored



Falling in love, because then she has a weak spot and another person has control over her

The ocean 

Being trapped 

Usage of profanities: Only when she is fooled by someone or is proven wrong


Trivia/Fun facts:

She always needs something to hug when she is going to sleep that’s why she has teddy bears on her bed

She clutches her stomach when she finds something extremely funny and laughs

She is deaf on her left ear so she has problems locating where sounds comes from

She has sharp eyes and can detected small details other people might ignore




~Magical Powers~

Unique Capabilities:
She is skilled with all kinds of small knifes. She prefer dagger though.
She is also quite good at parkour.



How did you develop that capability:

Her knifes skills came for her father. He had always been quite interesting in everything from throwing knifes to daggers. And since Yu Mi was the only child they got her father taught her everything he knew about knifes as weapons.

Parkour she learned it at her own will. She had always thought it was quite cool and also handy. Just the thought of what the human body actually could do made her very interested in it and found some guys in her neighborhood that was willing to train her. At first they just laughed at her but once she started to show them what she was capable of they agreed to help her.    


Special Magical Capabilities:


West wing |Fiery burst| Incendiary bonds

Back Up Magical Capabilities:


East wing | Mind freeze | Icy shackles




Fiery burst 4 - Incendiary bonds 3 || Mind freeze 5 - icy shackles 3


Usageshe often uses it to threaten people when they annoy her. But she also uses it to play fight with her friends. 


~Candidate's Family~

Family History: Yumi was raised with a good family and they didn’t have to worry about much. At least that was until she was 12 years old and they decided to move because her mother could work at a better restaurant. After that her mother was often home at different times of the day and she didn’t see that much of her.
The fact that they had moved to the USA made it hard for Yu Mi since she had to learn a new language and a total different culture. Also the fact that they moved into a bad neighborhood with many crimes made it even worse. This is why Yu Mi is quite independent. She learned that when walking out on the streets the only thing you can trust is yourself. She learned how to deal with Alcoholics, and other people herself when she was 16. During this time she got really close to her father.



Father: Choi JiHo

Age: 44

Occupation: Owns a gear shop


Just like her daughter he is independent and mysterious towards people he doesn’t know that well. But at home he is a really cheerful guy and always smiles. He helps out a lot in the house. He is also very understanding and will often do his best to help Yu Mi.

Closeness: Yu Mi is more a father’s daughter and loves to spend time with him. They are really close and Yu Mi will often go visit him at work when she has time.


Mother: Choi Ahe Rin

Age: 39

Occupation: Chef at a restaurant


She is a nagging mother who always wants her child to do the best she can. Even if that means she has to constant nag on her when she is home. Expect for that she loves to make people happy and will often go around helping people. She is one of those people who just can’t say no. She is also a workaholic.   

Closeness: It’s more like they respect each other since they are family and they also trust each other but not in a loving way.


Siblings: None

Age: None

Occupation: None

Personality: None

Closeness: None



~Social Life~

Best friends: Krystal

Age: 17


She is like her mother despise being younger than Yu Mi. Sweet caring and protective for everyone she considers her friends. Though she has a lot of moods swings and this is what makes her special to Yu Mi. Since she need people that are different and don’t do the same thing over and again.


Others:They got to know each other when Yu Mi got in trouble the first week for sneaking around the school at night. Yu Mi tried to defend herself by saying she was just going to meet someone. Krystal was just walking by the office Yu Mi was in and decided to help a new person like her. She walked in and acted like they had known each other for years and faked looking for her saying stuff like “Oh here you are” Yu Mi was very grateful for Krystal after that day and she has looked after Yu Mi since that day since she knows that Yu Mi gets in a lot of trouble.



Jonghyun  22

He loves to play pranks on people and had a good sense of humor. They will often fool around and plan on pranks they can do on people. Since Yu Mi has the information and Jonghyun has the skills to deliver them. They aren’t very emotional attached. They are more like stress relief for each other.  


Many people likes Jonghyun because he is funny and he is consider quite popular so they don’t get to hang out that often. He often play fight with his friends but not Yu Mi. Even if Yu Mi wants to he is afraid of hurting her and he will never fight a girl unless he has to.


Kai 17

He is more like a person that is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He often says things he doesn’t mean just because he has a hard time express his feelings. But he often say sorry right away when he hurts someone and is more like a lost child trying to be tough.


Yu Mi is often the one looking out for Kai. She likes taking care of someone and she knows that Kai would never backstab her so she tells him a lot of her secret information for free. He often tries to act cool around Yu Mi but he fails since she knows how he really is.  




There are a lot of people Yu Mi doesn’t get along with but  Luna got to be the worst. Personally Yu Mi didn’t have anything against her to being with but apparently she found Yu Mi to be creepy and she simply asked people about her. The reason Yu mi doesn’t like her is because she found her first of all to be boring but she actually read her actions wrong. Yu Mi thought Luna was talking bad about her behind her back when she simply just was curious about her.


There were a lot of unsaid words between them until Luna found out that Yu Mi blackmails people and give information for money. She thinks that’s just wrong and mean. Then one day she asked Yu Mi why she did stuff like that and it all ended up with a big argue. After that everyone knew that they were rivals.


The part that Yu Mi hangs around Baekyun also makes her mad. She doesn’t like Yu Mi being around and often disturb them when they are suppose to have alone time, revolving in ruining their relationship. Yu Mi often does this on purpose because she thinks that Baekhyun should have a better girl than her.    


~Other half~

Love interest: Kris

Personality: A stone face with scary eyes, many people are afraid of him at first. But looks do deceive; He is actually like a teddy bear. Calm and mature he doesn’t get mad easy. He is very loyal and protective when you first gain his trust. Though he doesn’t go around and make friends himself. So if you want to be is friend you better not be scared by his looks since you are the one that needs to talk with him.


He doesn’t like to start conversations and if he is a in a big crowd of people he will most likely just listen unless he has something important to add in the conversation. If he is with just one person he will talk very much actually. Since he doesn’t feel like he will interrupt the one he is talking to. He is a also very polite and act like a gentleman should.


His relationship status: Single


How you act with one another:

She loves to play pranks on Kris since he looks like the type that would bet you senseless but he always just brushes it off. Yu Mi tried almost every day to make him mad since no one has seemed to do that yet. Kris actually find that to be quite hilarious and often play pranks on her back. He finds it funny that he can always get her mad but she never mange to do the same to him. There isn’t often they just sit down to talk but they know that they at least like kidding with each other. And that they both are just having fun.


Back-Up Love interest: Baekhyun

Personality: Easy-going and often quite goofy. He is very seldom seen sad or angry. He often goes around smiling and laughing. There aren’t a lot of things that make his mood go down, because he looks positive of life. Very funny and a bit naïve since he always looks for the best in people. And he knows that everyone has flaws even though they might are easier to find on others. He has a lot of friends and is willing to help almost anyone that needs a hand. He is also one of those persons who simply can’t say no. But he might be very stubborn. He likes to get things his way when working and will often act cute to get his way.  


His relationship status: Taken by Luna


How you act with one another:

They don’t actually hang around that often. Yu Mi is just always there to annoy Luna. But Baekhyun doesn’t seem to mind that she constantly destroys his dates with Luna. He thinks Yu Mi is a funny girl even if she can be quite rude and cold at times. After a while Yu Mi actually starts to talk to Baekhyun not only because she wants to piss of Luna but because she finds Baekhyun way of thinking interesting. They often tease each other and play games. Just like a couple of best friends would.


Exes: none

Personality: none

How you act with one another: none




Suggested School NameI don’t real know…  School of ancient magic?

Reason why you want to enroll in the schoolBecause there are so many girl groups apply that I get kind of tired of them. And fantasy has always been my favorite gender in stories. And it’s look like you aren’t one of those who only do it half ways and then quite the story.

Suggestions: Can they have like competitions? And maybe they have like secret tests? Like when they think they are in serious danger and think they are going to die but then the teacher or something stops and get disappointed because they fail ^^

Comments: I think the story sounds very interesting! :D I don’t hope my character is like to un-normal if you get me. Like there aren’t a lot of people that actually blackmail. I can change it if you want.


Others: Fluffy scenes, those cute scenes. I love comedy so if you can get that would be perfect! But that is just what I like. Can I ask for a scene if you pick my character? Whoever the love interest is can they be at a park and then be on the swings. >.< I don’t know but I have always wanted a scene like that.  



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Your application is very easy to understand and it motivates me to read further. Good job on that and I am really glad that there aren't any misinterpretations of it. Hmm, my rival is also going to be Luna, I already highlighted in the chapter. But I guess it's going to be fine to have the same rival. I'll add you to the probation list, thanks for the applying dear.