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{ Application }

AFF Username: Panda-lover

Character's Name: Kim Juhyun

Nicknames: Kimi

Birthday:  August 08, 1994

Blood Type:  O

Ethnicity: Full Korean

{ Interior }

Persona: Honest geek


 Kimi is a girl that will appear mean and stupid because of her boldness.  She will often jump to conclusion and doesn’t think over what she is doing before it’s too late. She speaks her mind freely and has no problem getting into trouble for doing so. People will say that she is rude because of her honest remarks but most people get used to it. Though she is honest about what she means she have a small problem to say when she needs help.


She isn’t shy around strangers. The only time she is shy is when she does something stupid or she is with a boy alone.  


When angry she will often try to get away from people because she often throws rude and unnecessary comments when mad. Also when she is mad the only thing to help her clam down is to vent out all her angry towards someone so she usually scream at herself in front of a mirror and put down herself. That’s why she has low self-image of herself.


When sad she will often try to find someone that can comfort her. She tries not to cry around people she doesn’t trust because she think it’s quite week to cry and hate to make people worry about her.


Kimi is quite a qeek. She loves to play any type of game everything from child games to board games and video games. She also watches a lot of anime and has a good clue on how computer works. She will often carry around a manga in her bag and read it when she is bored.    



Kimi was born into a wealthy family and never had to think about money and such. At first she thought that it was normal to live a life like that and she used to be a stuck up person until someone told her that she was a mean and spoiled kid.


After that she realized that not everyone was so lucky that she was. She refused to use her parent’s money to get stuff normal kids wouldn’t. She began to work for herself as a waitress in a restaurant not owned by her father because she wanted to get treated like everyone else.


She only uses her parent’s money if she is going to use it on her friends. And she began to be really caring towards people since she felt spoiled by her parents and their love.   



·         Being free

·         Sleeping

·         Being lazy

·         Details

·         Hot chocolate

·         Stormy weather

·         The smell of rain

·         Walking around aimlessly

·         Hugs

·         Children



·         Dirt

·         The dark

·         Spoiled people

·         Crowded places

·         The sound of ticking clocks

·         Being forced

·         Smokers



·         The dark

·         Small places



·         Read manga anywhere

·         Skips around when happy

·         Falls a lot

·         Crack her bones

·         Move a lot in her sleep



·         Reading manga

·         Watching anime

·         Sketching

·         Read and watch a lot of horror movies



Girl Number: One, seven or five



·         Favoritte number is 8

·         Favorite color is purple

·         Sometimes uses fake glasses

·         Likes to have her hair lose

{ Exterior }

Height: 162cm

Weight: 48kg

Physical Appearance:






Ulzzang Name: Seo ji hye

 { Relationships }


Jung Ilhoon

Lee Minhyuk

Peniel D.shin



Kim Hyo ||42|| owns a restaurant company

Kim Mi Young ||42|| Housewife



Anything Else/Questions: Not really, Can’t wait! :D 


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