Application for Radiance Academy



AFF username: Panda-lover
Aff Profile link: Here

Let's meet up:


Name: Choi Jung Ji  
age: 18
birthdate: 05/04/1994
hometown: Daegu, South Korea
Language spoken: Fluent: Korean Basic: English

Height: 161cm
bloodtype: A
Weight: 47kg


Joker- Jungji is a girl who loves to play pranks and make other laugh. People will say she have a good sense of humor and will often go to her for a good laugh. It’s not like she is trying it just come natural for her to say funny remarks or do stupid stuff. Too bad for her she dosen’t know when to stop and often end up hurting people when playing a prank on them. Unless they don’t start crying or tell her that she really hurt them she won’t know. But once she know she will honestly feel sorry and apologize


Dishonest- Not that she can’t keep a secret or will go around telling lies. The only thing she is dishonest about is her feelings. She always denies feeling sick and then end up having to go to the hospital. Or when she is sad, she will always fake a smile and that is tearing her apart on the inside. She lives by the thinking that she can solve all her problems herself.

Dreamer- She has high hopes and dreams. She always thinks that someday everything will end up like the fairytales does. With that kind of thinking people see her as quite naïve and stupid. Just because she dreams of the perfect ending doesn’t mean she is stupid, but she is quite naïve.

Competitive-  She has a hunger for winning and loves to bet. Not in the gambler way. She loves to make a bet with a person about something like “I dare you to…” She likes to do stuff people didn’t think she could. And most of all to prove people wrong. There is almost no stopping her when she has decided to win a game, even if it is a stupid game of hide and seek.

Laid Back/Easy going- She will easy forgive people for hurting her because she is easy going. She is often willing to do stuff out of her comfort zone. She doesn’t get easily annoyed because she is laid back. And dosen’t have many concerns. This is the side she often show strangers. So strangers often think she is a calm and smart human being when in fact she is a living clown with competitive complexes.


name of ulzzang used:Kim Seuk Hye
appearance: H A P P Y
back up ulzzang name: Baek Su Min
appearance:L U C K Y 


Family background: She used to be a shy kid with only a few friends. And they weren’t even close. She would often be walking around the streets alone until one day she meet an old woman who asked about her. The old woman told that Jungji should stop being shy and don’t care about what other thinks. For some weird reason, that woman reminded her of her dead grandmother and she actually listened to her. The next day she began to show her true colors. But people started to dislike her even more. That was expect one person, who now is her best friend. So she finally got a real friend and as she grew older more and more people liked her personality.


As an only child she got a lot of attention at home, from both her mother and father. They used to live with their grandmother to but she passed away when Jungji was 6 years old. Anyways she didn’t have a hard time at home, just that her parents were very strict on her since she was the only child they were going to raise. She accepted that fact but would often stay out most of the day to work less at home.   


Family members:

Choi Min Ri/Mother/48 /Flower shop/Is what you would call a perfect house wife. Sweet and caring and always make delicious food. She was often quite week against Jungji and would let her get easily away with half finished work. But she argues a lot. No, she doesn’t scream or anything she just got a lot of things to complain about and Jungji always had to sit around and listen.

Choi Hyung Soo/ 49 /Web designer/ He is what you could call the “mean” parent. Not that he was bad towards Jungji but he is the strict one. He dosen’t let her get easy away with half finished jobs and tries hard to rais her until a good woman. Besides that he is a sweet and caring man who can easily make anyone calm down. He also works hard on everything he does. A real man.


Bias: Yoo YoungJae/B.A.P/18  
personality & appearance:
Is also a person that loves to joke around and is often the mood setter in a group. He is also quite intellectual and has a great way of explaining things. The only thing that can annoy people is his mood swings; He has a lot of ups and downs. He and Jungji often fights outside school since he is in the elite class. They fighting started because Jungji means that he cheated on a test and doesn’t deserve to be in the elite class. If he cheated or not no one knows but the fight have turned in to a competition between them and almost every day they dare each other to do different things. There is no prizes involved just their pride.

second option: Kim Jong In (Kai)/Exo-k/18
personality& appearance:
He might appear nice and shy at first but really have a mischievous side to him. He’s good at hiding his feelings and because of that Jungji gets confused around him. She also thinks he is a fake person who acts all the time. That is actually kind of true and Kai dislikes her for figuring it out. He often fool around with her and try to find a way he can keep her under control. Will often disturb her in class and make her get detention with him.

Bestfriend: Moon JongUp

settle your Status

Relationship status: Love-hate
Status: Silver
Comments and Suggestions: nah, I think you have it under control. I hope you like her! :) 



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