A New Live Journal Community for my Fanfiction

Hello, hello. I've decided to create a community for my fanfiction and poetry on live journal. I usually post my onkey writings to the onkey community there, but I've been having way too many techincal issues to keep up with the rules on different communities. The formatting is a real pain, and I'm really sick and tired of having a problem everytime I post something. At least with my own community, I can create my own rules and not be too stressed over posting and editing something.

With that being said, they'll be a few perks to being apart of the community ^^:

-One shots (Onkey pairings of course :::lol, I'll start posting other pairings too :), as well as shinee, and one-centric fics. ONLY posted on community and no where else.)

-Long chaptered works (posted both on community and AFF)

-I may post about my dreams also. Some kind of dream corner, that will be a fun way for everyone to talk to each other on the community, share dreams!

-And poetry and short self reflection pieces.

I may make the community friends only, because I do want to protect the plots I write. I'm still debating that.

-SHINee fanart, because really, who doesn't love fanart? Onew is my muse <3

Anyway, I'll post the link to this community once it is up, I hope you'll all join so you can enjoy what I write :)



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