Heart Broken


I don’t even want Super Junior to come back anymore. I can’t. I can’t believe SM would pull this on them.

SHINee, ..

f(x)… alright…




It’s not fair.

I don’t want to hate but really.

EXO and SNSD gets all this awesome and this is what we get.

I don’t even know how anyone can be excited. This is disgusting, and I’m crying so hard I can’t see. 

And they had to release Hyukjae first.

I can’t.

It’s so not fair.

I can’t do this.

July should just never come. 

y, Free and Single. What are they, stars? 

I have never been so disappointed. Ever, 


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HYUKslave #1
hmmmmmm ...
this kinda reminds me of 5th jib
when they release the teasers ... didn't we all got the shocked of our lives? many negative comments, some cursing, some had doubt for the success ... but look at the result

I don't mean to take it for granted or lightly. But, I think enough with complaining. SM will be SM ~~ never change, not even after all the success SJ achieved. Why wasting time, energy on things that we can't change.

The only way for us ELF is just keep supporting and loving SJ til the very end. Show them that none of the they put on SJ & ELF will bring us down.

Negative attitude will only brings negative result ... which I don't want that EVER to happen to SJ & ELF.
Aww...I understand why you would be so upset about this. But please look on the bright side and try to be thankful. I mean, less than a year ago ELF were grieving over how 5jib was SJ's last album until their 2 year hiatus was up...AND LOOK AT US NOW. We're actually getting an album! Besides, we're already accustomed to the fact that Super Junior looks good in anything, even in bright green underwear. So give SM some credit, maybe? If it wasn't for SM, there would be no Super Junior. Anyway we don't need to be in SM's favour to be the best, we can do that right well on our own! Cheer up hun~~
I don't think they're playing favorites honestly. Each group has a different way they're promoted is all....and EXO I think needed a bigger promotion since they're so new. I'm sure there will be lots more out! Don't worry so much, I bet the single and the album will be awesome! Nothing wrong with who they put first either in my opinion....I do hope for a better mv with them not being in a box again, something with a story that connects to the song(I know it's hard with so many people but they've done it before!). The title is kind of funny though. SM makes money off of all their groups though, they're all insanely popular. Some don't need as much promotion because of that, as I've said. It's just business *shrugs* If you love a group, just love what comes out and support ^^
*comforting yu* dun worry. . .I had the same thoughts when i first heard about it too but what can we do. . . But its still not fair that they get treated like this when Exo GOT SUCH AN EXTRAVAGANT debut and all. SM should eat food~
i agreed~i bet sm will put SJ in a box again..
that's why i don't like EXO..i hate it because promote them like they give the highest income on that company..the truth is the promotion is for debuting themm~then i watched FX,,also in a box..hot summer was better~wth is wrong with SM~look at TTS...it's just a sub group..but when you compared with EUNHAE..it's way too different~no real MV..what a SM treat their artist..i just wish SJ's contract will end soon~coz you know,,even when SJ got all the awards especially during Mr Simple's promotion,they still didn't improve SJ's next promotion..like this new teaser which looks like in a rush~i hate..seriously hate EXO promotion,,like they are way better than TVXQ,SJ,SHINEE,FX...took them from last year till april 2012 to give out teaser etc~it's unfair~i dunno anymore how to make SM gives better treatment to its other groups...TVXQ,SJ,SHINEE,FX look so pitiful and cheap artists...i hate SM...coz i love SJ so damn much it hurts~
Have no clue what's happening, but is getting slightly pissed off because from what I can read apparently SM is being unfair again.
maybe the concept is ed up but that isn't the thing that bothers me. This IS Leeteuk's last album before he goes to army and I swear to god , if the MV and the music video is lame I will kill whoever produced it. They deserve much more since leeteuk sacrificed so much for SM
yeah right.. sm is not fair.. super junior is always in a room... and no actual storyline... from sorry sorry , bonamana,, mr simple.. i don't hate snsd ( i'm a SONELF ).. but sm should just be fair...
Um, unni is in India and has no source of k-pop news except for people on here and my bff who is away at the beach SO YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN NOW DONGSAENG!
Um please expplain what you are speaking of. I feel alittle behind
I didn't like it. :| They like put a polo, mask and wig on then boom. T.T
Is it that bad??? T^T I shall watch...</3
Although, ur right. SNSD, EXO, and SHINee are their current cash crops. Everyone else, nope! *sigh*
Come to think of it, i actually kind of agree with you on the teaser part because when i get to see Hyukjae's teaser i was "WTS!! WHAT CONCEPT IS THIS ?" and i have no idea that their album is going to name y, Free & Single. I don't know if i can't survive for 6th jib this year...
omomomomomo..l.I am hating sm for doing that...