QLTY application


.the real life

AFF username: Primrose0930
Profile link: LINK

.about you

Character name:  Lee HaNi
Nickname: Honey
your date of birth (89-97 lines only please)  09/30/93
Birthplace: Busan
Hometown: Inchegon
Ethinicity: Korean and american
Language: Fluent in korean and English, she can speak comfortably in japanese.  She basic in french
Bloodtype: B+

Personality: HaNi is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  HaNi is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  she can only be moved if someone (preferrably a guy) picks her up bridal style or over their shoulder.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on.  HaNi is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, HaNi has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.
Likes: Dancing in the rain, cherry blossoms, writing stories,  foods from different countries. listening to her music at full blast
Dislikes: Scary movies, peas, arrogant people, poeple whining about the same thing constantly, and cold weather.
Trivia:  double jointed, very flexible, very good with kids, and she has a sensitive body (very tickelish, shes sensitive to the cold, she gets chilly very easily.)


Ulzzang name: Ulzzang name. Seo Ji Hye
Ulzzang photos:  1    2     3    4    5
Back-up Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri
Back-up Ulzzang photos: 1    2    3
Weight: 50 kg
Height: 157 cm
Style: casual, training, formal, sleepwear, swimwear. +2 each!
 Casual 1   casual 2    Training1 Training 2  Formal1 Formal2  sleepwear1 sleepwaer2  swimwear1 swimwear2


Background:  The Lee family has always made just enough to get by with just a little extra.  HaNi's father was always working, trying to provide for the family.  But since he worked so many hours, he insisted that his wife stay home to watch the kids.  Although he may not be able to get close with his family members, he is always thinking of them and putting them ahead of his own safetly
Family members: 
-Father (Name/Age/Job/Alive or Deceased/Relationship with you)  Lee JinHo, age 50, alive, kind of a distant relationship because he's always working and he's never home.
-Mother (same format as above) Park EunMin, age 45, alive,  Very close.  HaNi's mother was always the one to watch over the kids over the weekend, and was always the first to greet HaNi after school with a hug and a snack.
-Any siblings? Lee MiCha, age 7, student, alive, little sister.  Close.  MiCha looks up to HaNi as a role model.


Best friends: your bestfriends, at least 1. Same format as family members. Idols are allowed. SNSD's Sunny, age 23, alive, very close, there isnt a think that the girls dont know about eachother.  she is an idol.
Friends: your friends, at least 1. Same format as family members. Idols are allowed. f(x) Amber, age 19, alive, close, but they arent as close as HaNi and sunny, but they still like to hang out with each other.
Rival:  none


Love Interest: Mblaq Mir
Relationship with you: lovey-dovey.
Personality: Always smiling.  He trys to make everything as simple as it can.  He always gets looked down on because he's the maknae of the group, but he alwyas makes sure HaNi is taken care of because she's always taking care of others.   Likes it when his girlfriend is showing skin, likes showing public affection, and likes a girlfriend who can take care of him.  He cant cook if his life depended on it and he needs someone to put him in place. 
How did you meet him:  When HaNi was walking to practice, she wasn't watching wear she was going and tripped over  her own feet.  Mir was walking right behind her and went to catch her, but he fell first so she landed on his chest.

Back-up Love Interest: SHINee's Taemin
Relationship with you:  Innocent and cute
Personality:  Cute and lovable, hes always trying his hardest to impress the others.  He's willing to do anything to make someone augh, but he often speaks without thinking and that leads rumors to spread like wildfire.  He's more shy and doesn't really know how to treat a younger girl.
How did you meet him:  HaNi was doing a coffee run and Taemin sneeked up behind her and tickled her, causing her to scream and laugh and she spilled coffee over him.

.life as an idol

Stage Name: Honey
Your stage name meaning:  Sweet 
Persona: clumsy cutie
Desired position: Main dancer, sub vocalist
Back-up position: sub dancer, sub rapper

Training period: 5
Previous entertainment?: none
How you become a trainee: HaNi was randomly singing in the market she was shopping at, a scout who was passing by heard her and asked her to audition.
Training experience: Anything happened during training times?
Side job/predebut life?: modeling

.anything more?

Comments: your desired scenarios or anything? 
Suggestions: fanclub name, fanclub color and album track. Help me!
Password: link


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her training experience was pure hell. because shes always so clumsy, it took HaNi a while to stop tripping over her own feet and to actually get the right moves down. Singing cam easily for her though.
oh my god.... O////O im so sorry
No, I mean what happened during training years ><
sure! how about 3 years?
Ah sorry to say this again but.. Can you give me the training experience? Hehe :D