DreamCafe application


Username: Primrose0930

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/4691

1What is your name ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ): Jess


How often are you online (Scale of 1-10):  9


                   Your character info (I'm getting all in yo business >:D):


Name:  Kwon HaNi

Nickname(s)(optional):  Honey

Birthday: 09/30/94

Age: 17

Age you were when you were cursed: 16

Place of birth: Busan

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity (Go crazy if you want :3):  Half Korean, one quarteer japanese and one quarter american

Languages(optional): Korean, English, and Japanese, shes trying to learn French

Height (cm please~!):  160 cm

Weight(kg missy D:!):  49 kg

Blood type(optional): B+


                   More about you and your lovely self~:


Personality (Make it as detailed as you possibly can! No length requirements):   HaNi is normaly very sweet and patient, exspecially with her customers.  She's always smiling and laughing, even if the joke isn't funny.  She just appreciates the ffort to make her laugh.  Howevere, even if the rues say so, she will snap at the customer who makes her job even more difficult then it needs to be.  Also,, she can be quite violent when she feels threatened or a customer yells at her.  When she's off duty, she's constantly looking after the others, tending and listening to theur troubles, trying to forget her own troubles for the time being.  She treasures every moment she can get with her family or friends, she uses them as her inspiration to write or sing.  HaNi is also known for being extremely clumsy and shy infront of new customers, so she oftens trips over her own feet or the smallest creak in the floor.  When she DOES trip, she stops in her tracks and glares at whtever tripped her.  If she gets mad around a customer, she will clenth her fist and bite her lip in order to keep herself from hitting and yelling at the customer that ticked her off.  She's also extremly sensitive body wise (she gets sick easily when its cold, she's tickelish, she gets bruised easily, etc)

Background (How you lived before you were cursed):  Extremely social life.  HaNi always had friends or had plans.  She never cared about what poeple said about her, just what poeple thought about her friends.  Her mother and father always provided her with the nessesaties and a little extra.  They were never rich, but they weren't exactly poor either.


                   You're Beauty:


Ulzzang's Name: Jung Roo (lee Eun Hye is her real name)

Ulzzang pictures (5+ cause I'm needy):  1    2    3    4   5

Back-Up Ulzzang's Name: Song Ah Ri

Ulzzang pictures (5+):  1       2           3          4      5


                  You and you're relationships:


        Family :

Mother (Use this format: Name || Age || Birthday || Personality || Job || Alive or Dead): Takuma Yori: 45, 06/09/1967, Sweet and caring, loves to look after her only child and protect her with her life.  Often tends to over worry and over think the situation.  Alive.

Father (Same format!): Kwon Minkyung, 50, 1962,  the quiet guy, has trouble expressing his feelings, but he gets the point across when he needs too.  Sometimes he gossips like an old woman and trys to do anything to get his darling daughter to smile.  dead.

Siblings (Same format! :3 and optional):  Only child.


Friend (Follow this format BABY'S! Name || Age || Birthday || Idol or Not || Personality || Best friend or not ||)   f(x) Sulli, age 18, idk her birthday, not idol, best friend.

Friend 2+: (You can have up to as many friends as your heart desires!) SNSD's Sunny, and f(x) amber.


Lover's name: Lee Taemin

Lover's group: SHINee

Lover's personality:  He's lovable and often speaks without thinking, which can often lead to trouble.  He trys to act tough and manly because of his feminine looks, but that doesn't stop him from trying to be caring and romantic.  He can be quite shy when its comes to younger girls.

Is there any way you want them to meet specifically(optional): Since HaNI is clumsy, i think they should meet when she is delivering coffee to anoher table and she accidentally trips over Taemin's legs and spills it on his shirt and pants.

Back - Up lover's name: Choi Minho

Group: SHINee

Personality: Quiet and serious in public and tends to give off a cold vibe.  But outside of the publics eyes, he's a major goofball and clings to everybody because his cold personality leaves him alone often.  He's a natural romantic and likes to do all sorts of cheesy things like write love letters and bring flowers. Not afraid to speak his mind.

How you met (optional):


                   Things I want to know:

Likes (4+):  falling asleep to the sound of rain, cherry blossoms, to watch little kids (not like a e!  She just likes babysitting watching kids) and just sitting around her room with her bestfriend laughing about everything.

Dislikes (3+): peas(the vegetable) scary movies, and cold weather (she's sensative to the cold)

Habbits (3+)  Twirls a strand of hair around her fingers when shes in a nervous situation or watching an intense movie, she bites her lip when shes trying not to get angry, and she cracks her knuckles, neck and back.

Fears (3+): death, blood, and snakes

Trivia (optional!):   She's very good with children because shes motherly, shes very flexible


                   Last but not least ◔ ◡ ◐:

Suggestions: Uniforms for the girls when they are working in the cafe?

Requests (optional):  none

Comments:  I hope you consider me!  This story seems very interesting.

Password: 꿈의 카페


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