Your assistance is needed!

Hey guys, sorry!

It's been really long since I did a blog post! :O 

I need your help my awesome AFF amigas~

I have a debate speech next week for english,

It's meant to be your views against the class.

I'm on my own for this debate while everyone else is not because my partner is an elective mute.

So anyway! My debate topic is: Stupidity should be a crime.

I am for this argument and what I mean by stupidity is intentional stupidity.

What are your views on this?

Could you help me with some great ideas to put in? :)

I'd really appreciate it :3

Thank you in advance~!


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._. I would like to help but i cant think of anything..
hmm...see, i don't know if it could constitute as a crime, because for it to be considered, it'd have to be broken down into such a tiny sect of stupidity. because intentional stupidity could be considered lying about a surprise party (like i did for my mom) or it could be to try and play dumb if you have, say, drugs in the floor of your car and you somehow have "no idea". i think it depends on the circumstance, because everyone can have stupid moments, that's just life. sorry to totally rant off topic XD