Reviewing is now closed :D

First, thank you so much for all the wonderful writers who have submitted the stories.  Sadly, I have to close the request early because I still have A LOT of stories to read and review.  The response was overwhelming and I truly appreciate it, however, I am only human and I have to limit this :(  For those who submitted a story prior to the time/date stamp on the new chp 18 of Wonderwall, rest assured, you are on my list.  It will take me some time to read and review the 50+ authors who have submitted stories (I mean WOW!) but I will read/reveiw/critque each one if you will be patient with me :D

Again, thank you for the enormous response and i apologize I have to close it early.  The next time I decide to do this, I will see about including my wonderful beta, Azil, and maybe we can tweak this and make it work and last longer :D 

Until then,  thank you for you continued support!  I love you all!  And have a great Father's Day :D


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