Siren Application (Primrose0930)


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  JUST YOU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

User Name: Primrose0930

Profile Link:

What Should I Call You: Jess

How Often Are You Online: 9 or 10


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  BACK TO THE BASIC ஜ۩۞۩ 

Name : Ui Jae Hwa

*Nickname : Jae or JJ

Birthday : 09/30

Age  : 17

Place of Birth  : Inchegon

Hometown:  Seoul

Ethinicity  : Half Korean and Half american

Language(s) [3 Max] : English, Korean, and japanese

Height and Weight  : height 160 cm weight 49 kg

*Blood Type: B+


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  ALL ABOUT YOU, YOU, & YOU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

Personality  : Jae can be very bi-polar, she can be sweet and motherly one moment, but furious and kick-a** (not sure how people react to swearing) the next.  She loves to mother her fellow band-mates, making them lunches and dinner, making sure they have everything they need before they leave for ANYTHING, and will listen to anything at anytime, no matter how much she may not want too.  Jae can honestly be sweet and loyal, but sometimes her honesty can be rather.... to say the least, blunt.  She may not always realize that her words hurt someone until they confront her, but she's willing to apoligize if the situations call for it.  She can be overly protective with herself and her bandmates if she is confronted by someone she doesn't like or doesnt trust.  She's a black belt in TaekwonDo, so she's not afraid to lay someone out if they cross a certain line.  If she's not kicking someone's , she's probably goofing off with her friends or playing with the children in the neighborhood, she's very good and well-liked around children. when shes not modeling or acting, she's known for being very adorkable (dorky and adorable) but when she's mad, people call her Satan's mistress.

Likes : Dancing in the rain, sleeping in on weekends, practicing her Taekwondo skills, cooking, andteasing her friends (affectionatly of course)

Dislikes  : arrogance, the smell of something burning, PEAS (yes, the vegetable), people judging others without knowing them, and overly preppy and helpful people (she finds them too fake and surreal)

Hobbies : Cooking, gymnastics (has to be flexible for that Taekwondo), Taekwondo (obviously) 

Habits : she tends to twirl a starnd of hair around her finger when she nervous/embarressed/ watching an intense movie, gives alot of guys aegyo without realizing it, she tends to lose her temper easily too.

Triva  : Amazing with children, she fears the sight of blood, the thought of death scares her, she's double jointed, carrys an ipod/mp3 with her EVERYWHERE, always knows someone from somewhere.

Background :


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  BEAUTIFUL YOU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

Ulzzangs  : Jung Roo

Pictures  : Close up1  close up2  Body1  Body 2

Back-Up Ulzzangs: Song Ah Ri

Back-Up Pictures  : Full Body 1   Full Body 2   Close-up1   Close-up 2

Style [5+ All] :

Casual : 1    2      3      4      5

Training : 1       2           3          4        5

Formal : 1      2       3        4        5 

Sleeping : 1        2         3          4          

Swimwear : 1        2       3       4        5 


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  RELATIONSHIPS 101 ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

 Family Members  :   Dad:  Ui Jin-Ho, 54, Computer technition, usually quiet and understandning, but tends to lose his temper easily, alive.  Mom:  Kim Eun Ah, 50, secratary, likes to smile for the public, but judges eveyone once they're gone. alive

.Best Friends:   Mblaq Mir, age 20, childish but very funny, likes to tease Jae, and absolutly adores poking her and tickeling her stomach because he knows she tickelish.


*Friends  :  f(x) sulli, age 18, singer, we met backstage of star king


SNSD's Yuri, age 22, because she  has a crush on Minho and is constantly trying to take Minho away from Jae.

ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  LOVE GURU ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

Lover  :  Minho!

 Group : SHINee

 Personality : Caring and sweet, but takes things seriously, tends to be lonely so he likes to spend time with his lover when he sees her.  Athletic and loves to be protective over his girlfriend.

 How You Met : Before the shooting of Star King, Jae was seated next to Minho, the two started talking and they were forced to do a challenge together

 Relationship Status : mutual crushes, but Minho's to shy to confess (yet)

 Picture : Minho

Back-Up Lover  : Taemin

 Group : SHINee

 Personality : Cute and lovable, loves to show skinship, easy going, and can be a bit childish at times.111

 How You Met : while backstage, she was doing a coffee run when she turned the corner and ran into Taemin, spilling coffee all over his outfit.

 Relationship Status : good friends

 Picture : Taemin


 Group or OC :

 Personality :

 How You Met :

 Relationship Now :



ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  IDOL DEBUT ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

Stage Name : Full name

Fanclub Name : Halo's

Fanclub Color(s) : OOOOOOO a     and  OOOOOO

Fanclub Symbol : a purple star inside a cyan outlined full moon

Group [Muses or Sirens] : Sirens

Postion: Main vocal, sub dancer

Back-Up Postion : main rapper, sub vocal


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  BEHIND THE SCENES ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

*Other Companies You Trained In :

Trainee Years : 4

Trainee Life :  Hell. Jae tends to be clumsy so learning to dance is quite a challenge, however, singing came easy though

*Side Jobs :


ஜ۩۞۩ஜ  ANYTHING ELSE ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 

Why Should I Choose You : I would love to be part of an apply story, and I'm willing to change my character if it gets to complicated for you.

*Request(s) [Variety Shows, Scenes, etc] : Varity show scene please? ithink its adorable

Comments :

*Debut Song Recommendation(s) : Electric shock by f(x)

*Fanclub Name Recommendation(s) : Fire (like Fire sirens)


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sure thing!
THANK YOU FOR APPLY!!! :D but can you please delete the brackets, sory it makes it easier to read. Anyways, good job I like it!! xD