My Random Thoughts Again ^^; guys know my friends have actually YELLED at me for saying I liked President Bush?

Yeah they went crazy when I told them that, I explained to them 'I can like whoever I like, and YOU can like whoever you like' but my old highschool friends still told me 'Bush is evil he caused 9/11 to happen' or 'Bush is a murderer!' Trying to force me into not liking Bush. I hear that stuff from people all the time about him. I had friends who didn't like Bush say 'Hey back off a little' though to the ones that yelled at me so thank god for that ^^;

Good god guys the man retired already!

Stop blaming him for stuff he did years ago. It's like with Obama; if you don't like Obama, you're considered a racist? WTF? I remember watching the news once with my nana out of pure boredom, about a college teacher threatening to suspend her student because he told her he didn't think Obama was that great of a president.

She told him 'You do NOT insult the president of the United States in MY classroom!' Then she went off about Bush after the classmate spoke about Bush, and she insulted Bush...hypocrite much? *facepalm*

The student didn't get expelled, he never said anything racist, he just said 'Obama isn't a God, he's just a man. No president is a God' and I agreed with him. The woman got fired from teaching but get this now...SHE GOT PAYED.

What's wrong with our educational system these days?

Now teacher's are teaching kids if you don't like Obama, you're a racist? I mean come on! That's just a way for people to make ya feel bad, so you think you're a racist and get you to vote for Obama.

I'm sure Obama is a very nice man and I still respect him, never cuss at him or when I'm talking about him, but I do rant about him and I think people have the right to do that.

And in other news, my uncle told me in some state you can get a 20 dollar find or 20 thousand dollar fine couldn't remember sorry ^^; For saying the 'F' word. It's in the United States I believe. Now I'm not much of a cusser, only if I'm seriously mad words slip out but hey it happens to all of us right?

*sigh* Man oh man...crazy stuff going on huh?


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And I thought politics was bad in Australia... Don't want to begin.
Yeah, I don't really like politics because our government is super corrupt, but I have never blamed the president for anything. It's probably one of the most stressful jobs out there; the faults of a nation are all directed at one person; all the problems on their shoulders. I'm sure that each president does what they can.
well, i wonder how much i'd have to pay in fines XD but seriously, i don't think anyone would honestly vote for someone who would want a tragedy to become of his people. and i agree with you wholeheartedly. it's mandated that we have to "dislike bush" because "he caused 9/11" and we have to "like" obama because if you don't, you're racist. personally, i'm not an obama fan, nor am i a big bush advocate. however, there are redeeming qualities of both that make them good (and bad) presidents. i just hope some hypocrites like that teacher get off their high horse and can settle for respecting them like human beings