" or killed ? your choice" 





aff username : Harasofea

Character name : Seo Hye Mi 

nickname : Miseo, Nala(her parents calls her this because she resembles Nala from lion king when she was 4)

height : 158cm

ethnicity : Full Korean

ulzzang : YiYi

link : One Two Three Four

back up ulzzang : Kim Na Young

link : One Two Three Four


☠ everything about you


birthday :  January 2nd 1994 

age : 18

year : freshman 

birthplace :  Busan, South Korea.

language(s) : Both fluent in Korean and English

Personality :Hye Mi is a crybaby and princess type. But she isn't easily spook or hurt, she cries whenever she fails or she thinks/heard/see something pitiful. Sometimes she is very calm and always quiet, alot of people are comfortable with her. She is stubborn and always wants to do everything on her own, but sometimes she hates to be a burden. She has a very sweet and calm smile that makes people want to protect her and friend her. But she isn't all that perfect, she's afraid of heights, she cry as soon as she saw/knew she have to go high up.

Background : Her family isn't rich and yet not poor. Her parents still works to earn and have a meal on their table. Being the youngest, she was spoilt by her own mom while she rarely sees her dad because of work. She has two older sibling who is far apart of age. Her older sister who is 12 years older died and was said that she ended her life on her own by overdosing herself with sleeping pills and Hye mi blames herself for that. Her sister envy her being loved by her mom like that and she always depends on everyone and thought she was a burden and had tough time in college. Her brother busy himself with work and rarely comes home even on holidays.So she had her parents all to herself.

likes : Cakes || Fireflies || Animals || Stuff Animals ||Music || Adventure || Books || photography || Food

dislikes : Heights || bugs || be a burden || cry || being called short ||lightning || storms || camp 

phobia/fears : Heights || lightning || being hated || blame for her sister's death || left alone

hobbies : Sing || read || Photographs || Cook

habits : crys whenever she sees/heard/thinks of something pitiful || brushes her hair whenever she sees her hair tangles || Eats whenever shes bored

skills : English || Singing || Cooking || Photography

trivia : She has 2 dogs, Sam and Molly. One cat, Moe. || when he was young, people thought she was a foreigner by the way she dress || She inherit her talents talents from her mom.


my angel and devil 

parents : Seo Jeong Ok | 55 | 24 hr Hotel Chef | He is very hardworker and very strict, he rarely smiles to people who aren't his family even though he is always serious. He only jokes and goof around with his kids.

Jeon Hyeon Ju | 54 | She is very naive and a sweet heart, she has a young soul. When her two eldest kids are young she was too busy with her photographer job and had no time for them. But when she retires, she has become much more bright and cheery. She loves to spoilt her youngest and dresses like a doll.

siblings :  Seo Hye Ju | 29(died at 27) | student | she is very quiet and hot tempered, she never seen kind to her sibling and always got introuble.

Seo Tae Jun | 31 | Reporter | unlike his father, he is much hardworker and 'married' to his job and has no time for his parents and younger sisters. He is very independent and sometimes very selfish. But sometimes he calls Hye Mi to ask how they are.

friends : 4

bestfriends : Choi Jin Ri(Sulli) | 18 | Student | she is very lively and sweet. But sometimes shes is dorky and jokes around. 

rivals : Bae Su Ji(suzy) | 18 | Student | both are envy at eachother and honest with eachother. They feel very competetive with eachother, by looks and talents.


۵ the boy who murdered love 

love interest : Lee Chanhee

back up love interest : Ahn Daniel

his personality : He is very talkative and really likes girls who looks like a doll. He likes people who are dependent of him and he likes to protect younger people, especially girls. He seems like a playboy, but he is just too kind and easily fooled. He likes to tease, but not so much that can make someone cry.

his background : Ever since he was a kid people always depends on him and for some reason, he seems very reliable. His parents isn't poor or average, he is abit rich, despite his friendly personality. Ever since young people always tries to be friend him to target his wealth and popularity.

how will you met ? : Hye Mi was taking a nap under a tree and he thought she was a doll and touches her cheeks which startled Hye Mi.

relationship : Akward classmate/sunbae-hoobae. 


✉ extra extra extra ! 

password :  Link  

scene request : meeting scene :)

suggestion : 

comments : fighting!! i think i did everything right...



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