JYJ from 東方神起

"JYJ from 東方神起"

(JYJ from TVXQ)


when I saw this on Jaejoong's profile on twitter, my Cassie heart fluttered. I feel really happy being able to read this. For me this means that he still believes that he is from TVXQ. He is still part of TVXQ. I feel that he is trying to tell us fans that he and Junsu and Yoochun still considers their friendship with Yunho and CHangmin. They awknowledge where thery came from.

Would it be wrong for me to believe that it is not only us fans who believe that one day they will reunite and be able to sing as five. standing in on one stage.

Call me naive, delusional or crazy but I believe that JYJ and TVXQ like us are still Keeping The Faith.



Always Keep The Faith :) <3


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eveitis #1
Never lost hope
Always Keep The Faith
cutepenguin #2
I totally know how you feel^^ we will always keep the faith...