imma gooey happy mess^^

I think I've said before that I'm a major daddy's girl^^ so it shouldn't be a surprise that I love father's day, it is gooood^^


I got my dad his present a bit early, it was sort of out of blue as well. me and him had gone into 0ffice Depot (my favorite store in the world, it has such a good pen selection^^)  to get him a new office chair cause his was literally falling apart, but low and behold the chair he'd had his eye on just a day before magically went up in price-.- he's looked rather sad really, I'd never seen him that disappointed...


so I bought it for him!!


used up most of my last pay check but it was worth it, worth it to see how much he loves it^^ he even brags about it too^^


all I can say is, I hope everyone has such a good father figure in there lives, dads are important in little girls' lives, I don't think I'd be who I am with out my daddy^^


lol, I'm getting all choked up^^


happy fathers' day!!


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