My Thoughts on PETA

We've all heard of the PETA organazition right? Sometimes I think, they are hurting the animal's more than helping animal rights. They think all humans are 'stupid, murder's, careless with pets, think animals are so much better etc' I don't agree with PETA actually. While I do think it's silly to keep wild animals in Zoo cages because well, they belong in the WILD. PETA is even against people owning animals as pets...WTF?

But wanting to ban zoo's and circus's is just crazy. I love animal's don't get me wrong, but I do not love ALL animals I guess that makes me an 'untrue animal lover' as some people say. Do you have to love every animal on Earth to be an animal lover? No! Like with K-Pop: Do you have to like every K-Pop song in your idol's group to be a fan? No.

I remember hearing this story my nana read off AOL once. A little girl was attacked and KILLED by a dog, but people were defending the freakin dog more than the little girl! They said 'Oh the dog was just defending himself'

But do I hate all dogs because of that one? No.

I think it's kind of dumb when people want to have wild animal's for pets too, I've seen documentary's on Animal Planet about people who get wild animal's like lions, tigers, wolf's, bears, python's etc as pets and I'm thinking 'Well if you wouldn't have bought them; none of that would've happened'.

I do feel sorry for the ones that are killed by the wild animal's as pets that's horrible, but if they would've just left that animal alone and not take it in as a pet they probably would've still been alive.

I'm sorry if what I say sounds offensive, but orgnaziation's like PETA piss me off when they say all humans are dumb murdering scumbags.

I've NEVER killed anything in my life number one, okay maybe bugs but they aren't animal's they're insects right? ^^; I'm sorry I just don't find any bugs cute...except butterfly's I like those, catterpillar's can be pretty cute, but that's it really for insects.

It's okay if you love animal's, it's okay if you're a vegetarian, but it's NOT okay to bash people that eat meat or vegetable's.

I only will get angry at a vegan, if they insult me for eating meat but I get my veggie's/fruits/dairy products also ^^ Maybe not a whole lot but I do eat them. I once got a dirty look for ordering a hamburger at a restaraunt, my self esteem is not very high; so when people look at me funny for ordering something like that...yeah it hurts a bit. 


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Yeah. I get that. I agree. My sister is very- 'animal power' - you know?
She's a vegetarian and sometimes she gets agry at the world for the way some people treat animals, but it doesn't bother me because I'm used to it.
-jeiraz #2
I love my dog in the Philippines. Nuff said.
I love my cat. (even though he's obese.