Even Though I'm a Twilight Fan I Don't...

I don't think Robert Pattinson is the hottest man on Earth or Taylor Lautner

I don't wear the shirts

I'm not on 'Team Edward/Team Jacob/Team Bella' whatever the crap is

I know Bella is a mary sue (but I kind of like her just a LITTLE bit not crazy about her...don't judge me -_-)

Real vampires never existed, so I don't believe in vampires or werewolves

I don't flip out if someone dislikes or hates Twilight (only if they insult me for simply enjoying it, I will say something but still be respectful)

I do collect a few things like a lamp, and I own all the books/movies except the last Breaking Dawn movie and a poster but that's it

Twitward fangirl's do scare me and I don't support them

Twihaters scare me and I don't support them (only the rabid haters that actually burn the freakin books *rolls eyes*)

I don't squeal everytime Edward or Jacob come on screen

I thought New Moon was very slow and the love triangle was ridiculous

I don't stab people if they hate Twilight

I don't argue over fictonal character's like who's better for anything really

and last but not least...I do not believe I'm a vampire like some fans claim they are.


So here's proof that I'm a sane Twilight fan who sees the flaws in Twilight, loves Harry Potter as well and doesn't believe in vampires ^^ It's cool with me if you simply dislike or hell even hate it I guess; but please I've gotten crap before for just saying I enjoyed the series and that I should read a 'real' vampire book. I'm not even into vampires/werewolves much anymore really so I kind of lost interest in the series but I do read/watch it every now and then ^^


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I like Harry Potter, and my friends forced me into reading Twilight. I liked the first book, but I'm pretty sure it was just a tween phaze. i was just about to finish the series that I grew to abhor the more I read it, when I put down the book and never picked it up again. I have seen bits and pieces of the movies due to my mother renting them. I don't burn the books or regularily talk about how much I hate them, but I don't really like them.
I understand that many people do though, and I wouldn't ever be rude to anyone that does.