Run. Just run Application


Gender: F / M:  Female

Surname: Tang

Full name: Jae Hwa

English Name: Julie

Languages spoken: (Unless you’re going for the brain box, don’t go for a million and one languages, just 1-3) Korean, English, and French

Age: 18

Year of schooling: (It goes year ones- 16/17 year twos-17/18 year threes-18/19 year fours- 19/20 year fives- 20/21 year sixes- 21/22 year sevens- 22/23)

Year 2!

Date of birth/ Starsign: 09/30/94/ Libra

Blood type: B+

Birthplace: Inchegon

Hometown: Seoul

Family Social Class: B


It’s all about the money-


 Your Social Group:  Normals

Bracelet to identify Social and Group Classes:

Room number:  B room 3

Roommate: (Only if you have one, you don’t have to and even then it doesn’t have to be someone you like) Seperate please

Persona: (Make it original, not like the cute girly girl or whatever, that’s just boring)  Extremely mothering, likes to take care of ther others in her group, but tends to nag too much when no one is listening.  Trys to smile as often, but in reality, she wants to drop kick everyone who judges her.

Lessons: (3 or less) Italian, Survival skills, and dance

Extra-curricular / after school: (3 or less) council, gymnastics

Achievements of note: none


Just who do you think you are?-

Please answer the following question in your character


Personality in one word: (Just a brief sum up of the main aspect of your real personality) Bi-polar

How people perceive you: (How do you look to the rest of the world? This one doesn’t have to be long)  People see her as the quiet good girl, the one who never gets into trouble, but in all honesty, shes judging the world because no one gets the chance to know her.  

Personality: (Three or four paragraphs, please be detailed and original and possible)  Trys to be outgoing, but due too her shyness, she cant always express herself quite right.   Once you get to know her, she can be a sweetheart, that is, until you piss her off.  When you make Jae mad, she has no problem kicking some in order to get her point across.  Only her closest of friends know her violent side.  She also tends to be a bit more motherly then some would expect, she always looks out for others, evem if they dont want her too.  She can be unbelievably stubborn if shes dead-set against something, and its nearly impossible to make her budge.... unless someone has a REALLLLYYY good puppydog face (its her weakness but dont tell anyone!) Although she goes un noticed, thats how she likes it, she hates unwanted attention and when the spotlights on her, she panics, and turns it on someone else, anybody else.  She really likes when her love interest quietly takes her aside to talk  and the sound of rain, soothes her. In other words, completely bi-polar.. shy and sweet one minute, violent and kick- the next.

Personality: (This time I mean with one of the six numbers would you be?)   Number 3 

How you act around your social group:

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite season: Autumn

Favourite drink: Pepsi

Favourite animal: penguin

Favourite food: Ramen, kimbap

Do you prefer boys or girls as company?: Either or, I'm not picky

Favourite Song: Big Bang's monster

Song that sums you up the best: sing for me, by yellowcard.

What do you think you are best at?: making poeple smile.

If you could have a job, what would you do?: physical therapist, because it makes people feel better or get better.

What’s the plan when you get out of the gates for the first time?:  Keep a low profile and run.

What was your reaction when the first ever person escaped?: Hopeful.

When you go, what are you going to pack?: (Eg. I would pack a few clothes, money and basics etc.) couple of waters for running, different kinds of clothing, like a sweater and a tanktop (depending on weather)

Do your family know about you ‘special talents’?: Yes, that's whole reason I'm in this mess!

How did you end up at SCSL?:  My parents ended up owing money, once they figured out I had a so called, gift, they decided to trade me in order to pay their debts.

History: (Please, not all sob stories, had enough of that right now)  Average family with everday bills, it wasn't until her grandfather died did her parents run into debt, they couldn't pay the funeral bill and owed money to other companies when they tried to pay the funeral bill. so they tossed Jae into SCSL in order to relieve their debts.


Strike a pose- 


Looks: (5+ pictures please) (1)   (2)    (3)    (4)     (5)

Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri

Back up looks: (5+ again) (1)    (2)   (3)   (4)  (5)

Back up Ulzzang name: Kim Seul Mi

Any tattoos or piercings?:  Belly button pierced

Anything not visible on pictures you want to add?: (Eg. Green eyes or something like that) Purple eyes

How muscular are you?: Apperance wise, not very.  But secretly.... pretty well off

Daily clothing: (5+ links, I don’t mind if you use polyvore or yestyle or whatever, just make sure your links work or just add pictures)  1    2    3   4   5

What you wear around dorm: (5+) Same as above

Formal wear: (5+)   1           2           3         4         5

Sleeping: (5+)   1         2        3            4          5


Relationships are sailing-

Parents: ( Name | Age | Job | Relationship with you | Alive or dead | Couple of words on personality)  Dad: Tang Jin-Ho, 54, Computer technition, usually quiet and understandning, but tends to lose his temper easily, alive.  Mom:  Kim Eun Ah, 50, secratary, likes to smile for the public, but judges eveyone once they're gone. alive.

Siblings: (Name | Age | School | Relationship with you | Alive or dead | Couple words on personality)  NONE

Roommate: (Don’t worry; you don’t actually have to like them) none

Their social class and group: (Obviously you have to have the same social class here and probably group too but you don’t have to)

Pictures: (3+)

Best friend:  Yang Mi-Sun ( not an idol or real person)

Their social class and group: (Please make it similar to your own- put NA if they’re also your roomie) Class B

Pictures: (3+) 1     2      3

Closest Friends in your Social Group: (5 or less) Mir, 

Love interest: Lee Taemin (SHINee)

Their social class and group:  Class B, group, populars

Their personality: (If not on list remember!)

Pictures: (3+, say like you want Minho from the Ring Ding Dong era then put pictures of that because that’s how they’ll look in the story)

1    2     3   

Don’t tell ANYONE-


What’s your talent?: Telekinesis

What’s your speciality?: Water

When did you find out?: When i wa sitting with my friend at her pool, she pushed me in when i really didn't want to get wet.  When i swam to the top, i remember getting so mad, the water in the pool started boiling around me.  Then when I gave my frind the cold shoulder, the water in her cup began to freeze... it was 98 degrees outside!

Do you like it?: Love it

Is it easy to handle?: Not always

Who else knows about it?: The friend who suffered my wrath at the pool

How would you react if you found out someone else had talents and specialities?: Freak out and probably freeze their until they swore not to tell anyone.

What do you call your talent and speciality?: A gift



AFF name: Primrose0930

Profile Link:

Password: SCSL

What should I call you?: Jess

Did I forget anything?: i hope not

Anything else?:  Nope, I'm good


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