Multiple Fic Overload! XD

Okay I know, I know I should probably focus on one or two fics...but damn it I keep getting more ideas @__@ I have a document on my computer that's full of future story ideas X3 I even have hetero fic ideas in my head and I don't write it that much O.o I still love and adore though but I love and adore hetero stories too sometimes.

Is it bad to create multiple fics though? ^^; I know some people think it is, but like my uncle told me if I have an idea just write it down no matter how stupid you think it is and that's what I do ha ha.


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edherei #1
just continue jotting down those ideas.. there's nothing wrong in making multiple fics as long as you'll finish them. ;D
LOL no nothing wrong with it. It actually can help with writer's block if u work on multiple ideas. It stops boredom XD
^^i have the same problem...
but now i don't even have the time to update any of my still on-going six stories~ ._.
-jeiraz #4
It's called Brain Fart.
It's not bad to create multiple fics. I just kinda work on them one at a's less stress XDD