My girlfriend is a Gumiho

I just finished watching My girlfriend is a Gumiho right now. And I've gotta say that I've cried five times during the last episode. This drama really pulled at the strings of my heart and played with my emotions, haha.

I loved it so much, if there is anyone here that liked k-drama, you should really watch this, I highly recommend it.


I really don't know what's going on today, I've really been through a lot since I woke up three hours ago... I've cried my eyes out because my dog was apathetic and I thought he was very sick... He's been acting strange, yesterday he didn't eat anything and he didn't stand me touching him at all. He didn't move at all and spent all day in bed... Fortunately, today, after walking him a little and crying the whole time because I was scared, he started feeling better. He even begged for food while I was eating!!! I really hope he isn't faking it and got better... If something happened to him, I'll die...

Then, I watched this drama and once again cried my eyes out... asdjklfsbdklsfkgh


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i love kpop drama i love evrything korean i wanna b korean i wanna go 2 korea on holiday i only watch bigbang in korean dramas like top in i am sam and daesung in whats up daesungs was very sad i cried loads
I will watch this drama promise! I hope your baby boy is okay...though if your reaction tells me anything its to watch it away from my family they already think I'm freaky enough because I watch crying during it would only make them think that more...anyways im babbling...
LOL i loved this drama that I couldn't stop watching I watched it until like 6 in the morning and I was crying the whole time, my sister was looking at me like I was psycho ahahhah