It's one of those nights again

It's one of those night again when I have a sudden itch to write something but I can't.

You know, because of lack of inspiration and all. But then there are so many emotions and frustrations building up inside me and I just can't put them into words. I'm feeling even more frustrated at the moment. Someone calm me down.
/I need strawberry icecream.

I swear, something about me is seriously off these days. i don't even know why. Stupid identity crisis is getting on my nerves, really. 
And then there's the fact that every single song I hear reminds me of TVXQ and... I just want to write but assdfgshkjhxbnsdlhaGAAAAAAAH! 
I'm becomeing more and more sensitive every day. I can't handle myself anymore.
I feel like crap. 

/grabs a lollipop, wishing it would cheer me up 



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cheer up and calm down OTL