Feeling nostalgic while watching Super Junior's Miracle

Decided to go watch Super Junior's Music Videos, and then I decided to click on Super Junior's Miracle. Honestly, 'Miracle' and 'It's You' are the Music Videos I don't like watching again, since it makes me feel nostalgic... ;_;

Forgot who you love the kpop group(s) you love? (Or: Lost the feeling of loving your once favorite kpop group(s)?) Go watch their debut video, or what else caught your heart back then :)

Well, that's random... ._. You can pretend like you  never read this pointless blog post... I'll just go cry in a corner.

Keke :D


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suju will always be my number 1 love :3 but yeah I know what you mean. there are some (non-K-pop) bands that I used to listen to/ think about from time to time, but recently their music had been disappointing me (slash K-pop just looked a lot cooler in comparison >.>)...so I've sort of lost interest in them >.< but they'll always hold a special place in my heart, because I'm just a very sentimental person that way XD