Mount Olympus High App

The Application



Username: TheBestOfKpop
Profile Link:  click!!! 
Activeness: 9 | I have no life ='(

The Character:

Name: Kim Souli

Nickname(s): Soul
Age: 16
Birthday: 06/13/1995
Ethnicity: British-Korean
Birthplace: London
Languages: English | fluent  ||  Korean | Semi-fluent  ||  Japanese | Basic

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 49 kg
Blood Type: O
She is the umma. She is a total worry-wart and extremely overprotective. If she thinks that someone is going to do something dangerous, whether its her friend or not, she tries to stop them. When she does this, people often don't like her because she gets in the middle of their business. Souli couldn't care less. She has an extreme sense of what's right and what's wrong and she will go on her instinct. If she feels that something is dangerous, she won't let anyone do it. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if someone got hurt and she could've prevented it. This becomes a problem for her because whenever someone gets hurt and in some crazy way she could've saved them (no matter how insane her plan of how she could've saved them is) she will blame herself. Even if she had nothing to do with the incident, but it was remotely possible for her to have done something to prevent it. When this happens, she gets extremely depressed and doesn't talk for days. No one can get through to her when she's like this and everyone gets very worried about her.
Souli is also extremely smart. She's a straight A student and commonly known as a teacher's pet. Souli is a perfectionist, especially when it comes to schoolwork. Everything must be exactly perfect before it can be handed in. The thing is, she doesn't like being so picky. It wastes so much time and its tiresome. The thing is, she can't seem to stop. It doesn't seem humanly possible for her to complete something that she didn't put 120% of her effort into. She's sometimes tried to break her OCD, but it never works.

order || control || safety || salad || chocolate || quiet || people who listen to her || sports (both playing and watching) || ordering food in || rainy days

Being a perfectionist || dangerous activities || people who don't listen || spicy foods || sweets (except for chocolate) || chips || loud parties
  || bullies || pigs (both the animal and people who are pigs) || messes

getting involved in other people's business || puffing out her cheeks when she's frustrated || telling people who curse to watch their language || twiddling her thumbs when she's bored or waiting for something || making everything perfect

tennis || dancing || organizing (safe) events for her friends and the school || censoring the movies people watch and the games they play

She is allergic to dust.
She has a dog named Cosmo.
Everyone thinks that she hates all sweets, but she actually loves chocolate and has to sneak eating it so that people don't find out.
She's a vegetarian and sometimes cringes when she sees people eating meat.
She is the top student in the school.
She skipped third grade, so she's actually a year younger than everyone in her grade.

Forcing people to listen to her.
 Handing in perfect schoolwork early.
God/Goddess or Titan: Rhea

Power(s): Power Cancelling
Have you ever heard the saying "Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair”? Well if it's true, then Souli's parents dropped a nuclear bomb on Souli's childhood. Here parents were on the opposite end of ideal, they were unemployed alcoholics who made a living from drug-dealing. Souli had been an accident in the first place, but an abortion was too expensive so they had the baby. Souli grew up in an awful environment where everything was illegal and lethal. She has seen so many deaths in gang wars, from overdoses, and from drunk driving that it's impossible to count them all. Due to this childhood surrounded by crime and danger, she doesn't want to see anyone else hurt and she doesn't want others to become the kinds of people her parents were.
Souli was always trying to change her parents, make them safer and take them away from the alcohol and drugs. As thanks for her efforts, she was kicked out of the house. She went to her best friend, Nana Mimi's house. She stayed there for a few weeks until she saved enough money to begin renting an apartment. She had already been saving up in order to move out and she held two jobs (on top of going to school): one as a cashier at a bakery and the other stocking shelves at a department store.

Mom || Kim Hea || 45 || umemployed alcoholic who is addicted to many drugs. || Souli hasn't seen her in 4 years.
Dad || Kim Duho || 50 || alcoholic who is self-employed as a drug dealer. || Souli hasn't seen him in 4 years.
Best Friend(s):
Nana Mimi || She is a quiet, shy, and calm girl. She doesn't talk much and she is extremely smart, almost genius level. She doesn't do anything daring and she's usually to afraid to even speak during class. Yes, she's a bit of a scardy-cat, but that's one of the reasons Souli likes her.

Kyuhyun, JB (from JJ Project)
A lot of people, basically anyone who's a dare-devil. Souli gets on their cases and doesn't let them do what they want and she is just aggrevated by their self-destructive ways.
Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo ||   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | more

Back-Up Ulzzang:
 Eun AKA Byeon Seo Eun ||   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | more

She likes to be comfortable and is not really confident in her body so she doesn't tend to reveal a lot of skin. She is actually pretty self-concious about how she dresses, but she tries to make it bland yet fashionable. Her ouftits usually consist of jeans or denim shorts and a lose t-shirt along with converse or tennis shoes.
Password: Ares
Questions: Nada =D
Comments: Love your story... and I'm not just saying that XD It's so unique creating a fanfic about gods... first time I've seen it =D



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