Uɴᴄʟᴇ Psʏ's Pʟᴀʏʜᴏᴜsᴇ | Application



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ayoo, wassaaap!
{ waddaap, my name is } Chelly or Michelle =D
{ le-profile } TheBestOfKpop
{ got mail? } [email protected]
{ why enroll? } Because it looks like the cutest fanfic of the century :3
know thy baby!
{ thy name is } Oh Shinyoung
{ also known as }  Little Miss Smarty Pants | given to her by her Daddies because she claims to know everything
{ delivered by the stork on } 06.13
{ how many fingers are you?} 4
{ blossom at } birth place - Seoul, South Korea | hometown -Busan, South Korea
{ gibber-gabber } 
  • Korean | Almost fluent (she sometimes screws up grammar)
  • English | Conversational
hello baby!
{ adorable much? } 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
{ who's this cutie? } Cristina Fernandez Lee
{ back-up } Lauren Lunde | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
{ growing taller } 88.5 cm
{ being healthy } 14 kg
{ looking good } She has very dark brown hair that is straight and comes down to just past her shoulders and curls up a bit at the bottom with bangs that come down to her eyebrows. Her eyes are a deep, dark brown and reasonably large. 
{ dress-up } She loves cute, fluffy dresses and sun-dresses the most. She can almost always be seen in a dress, except when she’s dancing of course (though every now and then she tries to dance in a dress and ends up tripping on it and falling). To bed she always wears sweats just like when she’s dancing. She claims that it helps her have good dreams of dancing with her Daddies. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
baby steps.
{ acts like }

Shinyoung can be rather picky. She likes things a certain way and she’s a perfectionist when it comes to them. She only eats the foods that she knows she likes, she only plays the games she has a chance of winning and finds entertaining, she only goes places she thinks are fun, and she only plays with people she likes. She won’t do anything she doesn’t feel is perfect. If something isn’t perfect by her standards, she simply refuses. She doesn’t throw a tantrum, complain, or even tell anyone something’s wrong. She’ll simply sit there and stare it at as if people should know better than to place that in front of her. She won’t make a move until someone realizes she doesn’t like it and takes it away. For example, if she is served steak and she doesn’t like steak, she’ll just sit in her seat and take turns staring at it and at whoever gave it to her until they ask her what’s wrong and she’ll answer “There must be a mistake, I don’t like steak” and she’ll keep insisting on having something else until the adults give in. She won’t touch anything that doesn’t meet her standards. Also, if a kid she doesn’t like comes and tries to play with her she’ll stop whatever she’s doing and just sit/stand there staring at him/her (note, she doesn’t glare or have any malice behind her stare, it’s more of an innocent, almost confused stare) until the kid goes away. If he/she tries to talk to Shinyoung, she’ll innocently ask “Why are you talking to me?” as if she doesn’t understand. This mainly came about due to her Daddies being pushovers that gave her everything she wanted. I guess you could say she’s spoiled, but she’s spoiled in an innocent, naive way. Still, the conflict with other kids doesn’t happen often because she likes almost anyone, you really have to get on her nerves for her to not like you.

Shinyoung acts like she knows everything: the future, the past, the possibilities, the reasons, everything! You ask her a question and she’ll give you an answer. The thing is, these answers are usually about as far-fetched as if I were to tell you pigs could now fly. She loves coming up with crazy, wild stories to explain the simplest of things, and sometimes even when she knows the correct answer to a question she’ll say something extremely wrong, but very creative just because she thinks it’s more interesting that way. Her imagination and her stories don’t go unheard either. Most of the kids, especially the duller ones, listen to her stories with awe. Most of them believe her too. The real question is whether or not she believes them. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes she just makes them up for the fun of it. It really depends on the story and what she knows, but simply doesn’t say.

Shinyoung has ADHD. It causes many problems. The only time she can sit still for more than 3 minutes is when she’s telling one of her long, detailed, in depth stories. Other than that, she’s a wild child, running around like a maniac. To control her and help give her an outlet for her energy, her Daddies taught her to dance. Now whenever she has the urge to run around but can’t, she dances in place.

She is also very giggly. She loves to laugh and she is EXTREMELY ticklish. If you do so much as touch her she’ll cringe and giggle a bit. But that’s not the only time she laughs. As a matter of fact, she’ll laugh at almost anything. Give her an excuse to laugh and she’ll take it without hesitation. She doesn’t care if she’s the only one laughing in the whole room, if she’s having a good time everyone else is just missing out.

{ eye-candy } 
  • Fruit
  • Chocolate
  • Hot Dogs
  • Seafood
  • Milk
  • Parks
  • Playgrounds
  • Amusement Parks
  • Most other people
  • People who smile a lot
  • Sleepovers
  • Jokes
  • Pokémon
  • Hello Kitty
  • Pink and pastel colors
{ not my cup of tea }
  • Vegetables
  • Chicken
  • Stew
  • Any food with a long name | she thinks they’re poison
  • Apple Juice
  • Basements | there are ghosts down there
  • The doctor’s
  • Being out at night
  • People who don’t believe her stories or make fun of them
  • Party poopers
  • Eating at restaurants
  • Watching TV
  • Video Games
  • Having to Hang her Clothes up
  • Black
{ pastime }
  • Dancing
  • Telling/Writing Stories (she asks one of her Daddies to write it down as she says it since she isn’t so good of a writer yet)
  • Playing Leap-frog
  • Having Tickle Wars will other kids
  • Trying to do hand-stands and cartwheels
  • Having races
  • Playing with Pokémon cards
  • Playing Dress-up and pretending to be princesses with her friends
{ quirks }
  • Laughing at nothing
  • Dancing in place
  • Playing with her bangs
  • Sighing heavily when she’s bored
  • Daydreaming about wild stories
  • Not paying attention if something doesn’t interest her
{ thy forte }
  • Dancing
  • Creative Writing
{ jitters }
  • Darkness | She always thinks there’s something out there trying to get her.
  • Big Dogs | They intimidate her and she’s convinced herself they eat humans for dessert.
{ ABCs }
  • She has a cat named Pumpkin
appa bear, umma bear, aegi bear<3
{ pedigree }

Shinyoung was adopted by Sehun and Lu Han who were recently married at 6 months old. The couple had undergone a lot of criticism before getting married, but they pulled through and stayed true to each other and their love to the point where they were able to surround themselves with people that accepted them. They’re a bit anxious for Shinyoung growing up with two fathers and no mother, but they’ve decided to try and help her through it though they aren’t sure how it will work out. That’s why they’ve decided to place her in Uncle Psy’s Playhouse – as a test run. Since Shinyoung was adopted at such an early age, she doesn’t remember any life before the one she’s had with Sehun and Lu Han and she’s perfectly content with that. So far, her childhood has been, more or less, like any other kids; she goes on trips with her family, she gets babysat, she eats three meals a day most of the time with her dads, she runs around and plays with them, and she gets the love of a full and happy family. Shinyoung doesn’t know anything other than the way her family is, she’s seen other kids with a man and woman holding their hands, but she’s never thought much of it or asked her dads. To her, having two fathers is totally normal.

{ household }
Father Oh Sehun ┋ Now: 18, 2022: 28 ┋ Exo-K ┋ Businessman, Part-time Dancer (for fun) ┋ alive ┋Despite being younger than Lu Han, Sehun is definitely the man of the household. He is stern when he has to be and knows that every now and then seriousness is necessary, but he prefers to remain happy and carefree. He’s a generally laid-back guy who enjoys spending time with his family, especially laughing with them. He’s great with coming up with jokes though sometimes they’re really corny and he has an incredible sense of humor that infects anyone he spends time with. His smile is contagious and he’s a loyal and trustworthy guy. Of course he has his worse traits too: he stresses way too much. He’s a perfectionist and if something isn’t perfect, it isn’t done. This causes him to spend way too much time on his work making sure it’s perfect before he can step away from it and even then he can’t stop thinking about it and worrying that it isn’t good enough. This causes him to be stressed out a lot of the time though he hides it well when he’s around his family so as not to worry them. ┋ They are very close and Shinyoung thinks he’s the most fun Daddy in the world. He can’t resist her cute face and her activeness and he loves her more than anything else in the world (except maybe Lu Han). They spend a lot of time together when Sehun isn’t busy running around and laughing together. They like to chase each other around the house and dance together using the fireplace as their stage and Lu Han as their audience. | 1 | 2 | 3
Father Lu Han ┋ Now: 22, 2022: 32 ┋ Exo-M ┋ Dancer/Singer ┋ alive ┋ He’s rather girly, but that’s the best part of him. He’s sweet, kind, caring, compassionate, and understanding. He can be a bit of a pabo at times, but most of the time it’s adorable and he has a way of just laughing it off. He can’t bear to see people unhappy, especially his family which means everything to him. He’ll do anything for the ones he loves and he can be a bit of a hopeless romantic at times. He enjoys surprising his family with outings, special dinners, fun activities, and the like when he has free time to prepare them. If he can make someone happy, he’s happy. However, he’s also a bit paranoid. He tends to be a worry wart and he always worries about Shinyoung and Sehun when they’re out and about. He concocts the notion that something bad could happen and tends to focus on that instead of all the good things that could happen. Still, when his family’s within his sights he relaxes and trusts that they’re safe. ┋ He is Shinyoung’s eomma. He worries over her, gives her advice, plans her playdates, becomes friends with her friends’ moms, ect. He’s the one doing most of the caring for Shinyoung and she loves him just as much as Sehun though in a different way. She respects him and sees him as important and a role model. | 1 | 2 | 3
► Mother ┋unknown
Siblings  none
► Others  Godfather ┋ Byun Baekhyun  ┋ Now: 20, 2022: 30 ┋Exo-K ┋ Dancer [with Lu Han] ┋ alive ┋ He’s a ball of sunshine and smiles. It’s impossible to catch this guy on a bad day and he’s the biggest optimist you’ll ever see. Every day is another opportunity to him and every opportunity is a treasure chest full of gold. He also energetic and happy beyond belief. Some people might label him as so happy it’s annoying, but in the Oh household, he’s considered the best medicine for a bad day or a sour expression. ┋ Baekhyun has a way with kids, especially Shinyoung. She often begs to have him come over, and Sehun and Lu Han often times agree. They also invite him over when one or more members of the family had a bad day because he has a special way of cheering everyone up no matter what went wrong during the day. He’s the family’s closest friend and he’s the one they go to for anything.
adventure time! xD
{ titled } The Know It All ( though not in a bad way for the students, most of them believe her) because she acts like she knows everything
{ favorite period } dance, question and answer with uncle psy, story telling
{ least favorite period } math, english, cleaning up
{ smarts } 
Smarty Pants : witty in street smarts
{ clubs } performing arts, lil’ detectives, young writers
{ socials }
Crush | Jo NiKwon | Younggie rarely talks to him, and when she does it's anything but flirting. Still, she can't help but laugh at his jokes. Also, his energy and hyperactiveness reflect Younggie in a way and she thinks it'd be fun for them to run around together.
Close Friend | Kwon JinHo | He's a troublemaker. Though she causes trouble in a different way, Younggie is also a troublemaker. When Jin is causing mischeif, Younggie often covers for him by distracting people with stories or whatnot and then making up a crazy story for why Jin is missing. In return, Jin usually doesn't prank Younggie (key word: usually). He also allows her to share in the glory of his handywork and watch it's outcome.

Best Friend | Lee YongJoon | He's quiet and gullible. These two traits make for the perfect audience for all of Younggie's stories. He listens intently to the tall tales she creates and he most of the time believes her. Also, being spoiled by her daddies means that she's also a bit of a spoiled brat around her friends. Joon is willing to share and let other kids get what they want, so Younggie likes that about him.

Rival | Kim Eunsu | She's smart. Too smart. She'll never fall for one of Younggie's stories and when she overhears one and has the courage to voice her knowledge, she challenges them. Now, it's not like she hates Eunnie or anything. I mean, how can you hate her? It's just that she tends to stay away from the gifted girl. She's too much of a party pooper for Younggie.
how do kids see it? :3
{ why do we have a head? }
A : So that we don’t fall over when we stand up.
{ what's an eight-letter word with all the letters in it? }
A : Alphabet
{ how can you delay milk turning sour? }
A :  Put a bunch of salt in it, shake it up, add some water, and put it in the freezer.
{ name the four seasons }
A : Fall, Summer, Winter, and Autumn
{ why is the sun so bright? }
A : Because someone a long time ago put a really strong light bulb in the center of it.
{ what's wrong? }
A : Helping aliens take over the world.
{ how does bonding with your father/mother feel? } 
A : It feels like a big warm basket of rainbows.
{ how does your boo-boo feel today? }
A : It hurts, but I’m a big girl so I’m gonna not complain. But you know how I got this boo-boo? I was attacked by a rabid dog and it almost bit off my entire leg!!!
{ why do clouds float? }
A : Because there was once a war between humans and clouds and the clouds lost so they were banished to the sky never again to return to earth.
{ what is a dictionary? }
A :  It’s a big platform you can stand on and use as a mini stage.
{ where did birds learn to fly? }
A : Well, not too long ago birds swam in the ocean. They were really good swimmers until one day, one of them poked their heads above the water and smelt the beauty of the fresh air and it decided to fly up into the air to be able to smell the air forever. It chirped REALLY loud so that all its other bird friends could hear and they all came out of the water too and began to fly along with the first bird.
{ ever heard of me2day? }
A : Yeah, daddy brought you up at the breakfast table.
{ why do ducks walk funny? }
A : Because they used to be snakes, but slowly they grew legs and beaks and they’re still learning to walk right.
{ who found this country? }
A : Astronauts
{ what is an earthquake? }
A : It’s when the people that live under the ground throw a party and it gets really crazy so that it rocks their ceiling which is our ground.
{ do you know what 'littering' is? }
A : It’s when you do mean things to your environment. Daddy told me never to liter.
{ where do french fries come from? }
A : You take a few hairs from a French fly and you bake them for a few days and you have French fries. 
{ who is your hero? }
A : Romeo
{ what do you want to be when you grow up? }
A : I wanna be a superhero.
{ do you know what 'global warming' is? }
A : It’s when we have a really hot day cause the light bulb in the sun was just replaced so it’s extra strong.
{ what will happen if we don't have oxygen? }
A : We’ll float up into space and eventually get to Mars.
{ what is a social network? name one. }
A : It’s where evil people talk to each other to plan mean things. I don’t know any cause I’m not evil.
{ what is h1n1? }
A : It’s a plan made by nasty grownups to help aliens take away all of our toys. My daddies are very big people trying to stop it. They’ve shut down a lot of the operations of the h1n1 plan in order to keep our toys safe.
{ in an epic battle between good and evil, which would you choose?
A : It depends who’s winning.
{ do you know what politics is? }
A : It’s an awful disease that people in Canadia get. It kills a lot of the people down there.
{ where do chickens come from? }
A : Mars, but Mars gets them from the supermarket.
{ if you had a million won, what are you gonna do with it? }
A : I’m gonna buy a bunch of candy stores.
{ what do you think makes a person good-looking? }
A : When they’re tall and handsome/pretty and they have clear skin. That is a symbol that they’re not part of social networks.
{ what is love? }
A : A disease that makes people go crazy. It’s extremely contagious and can be transferred by just looking someone in the eye.
and it ends here!
{ favors? } ---
{ extra's? } ---
{ rlab } The Adorableness

profile credit.


{ back to story }





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