What I'd like to say

what am I supposed to do

when you tell me the truth and I do?


here you go, getting angry again

sorry man, you want me to lie I will, you want me to not lie then I will

I'm just that freaking awesome


but really, I'm not going to coddle you with sugary lies if you give me the whole "don't lie to me" lie...

mostly cause my inner me's been dying for an invitation to tell you just how idiotic you truly are.


no hard feelings, I still love you, but man, is your head filled with air cause there can't be anything in there


I'm sorry I'm not humoring your stupidity anymore, I'm just tired of this , tired of you being you while the rest of us dance around the truth.

so I'm sorry, you're being stupid, please correct this before I go insane.


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