Application for Halo


Personal Information

AFF Username : FallingForCinderella

AFF Profile Link :

Name : Jae 

Age : 19


Character Information

Name : Cho Tae Yeon

Nickname(s) : Yeonnie, BabyKyu, Yo-yo, Piggie

Preffered Name : Yo-yo

Age : 18

Gender : Female

Birthdate : April 01, 1994

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Nowon, Seoul, South Korea

Race : Korean

Blood Type : A

Personality : Tae Yeon is a very hyperactive and spazzy girl. She loves to play pranks on her dongsaengs and even her elders. She always seems younger than her eighteen years of age, but she doesn't care. She hardly ever uses honorifics; she doesn't like them. She's not rude, but people say she is. She can be nice and kind, if people deserve it and are actually upset. She says whatever she thinks, which can sometimes get her in trouble; however, she doesn't care what people think so she just goes back to being her playful, pranking self. She's witty and sarcastic with a sharp-tongue, yet people can't help but love her.

Likes :
- Pranks
- Video Games
- Strawberry Milkshakes
- Candy
- Piglets
- Nail Art
- Cheerios
- Stuffed Animals
- Gelato
- Pizza

Dislikes : 
- Vegetables
- Waking up early
- Cats
- Soda
- Chocolate
- Reality Telelivision Shows
- Wigs
- Jeans
- Her laptop being taken away
- Misplacing her phone

Hobbies : 
- Playing Diablo & Starcraft
- Playing Angry Birds & Robot Unicorn Attack on her iPhone
- Taking Selcas & Tweeting them
- Nail Art
- Playing the piano
- Fashion Blogging
- Surfing the internet
- Texting
- Collecting Comic Books

Talents : 
- Nail Art
- Playing Angry Birds & Robot Unicorn Attack
- Piano
- Voice Imitation
- Pranking

Habits : 
- Checking her phone for messages every five minutes
- Sleeping with her head at the foot of the bed and feet at the head
- Playing with her hair when asked a question she doesn't want to answer
- Laughing and blushing when embarassed

Fears? Phobias? : 
- Open Water [bigger than a bath tub]
- Total Darkness
- Death

Languages : Korean, Mandarin [Fluent]; Engish [Conversational]; Japanese, French [Basic/Learning]

Facts :  
- Tae Yeon is allergic to chocolate.
- Ironically, her role model is SNSD's Taeyeon.
- She's called Piggie for two reasons: her favorite animals are piglets & she's always eating.
- She always has a bag of assorted candy with her.
- She has a genius IQ.
- She's called BabyKyu by SM Entertainment.
- She was once a trainee under SM.
- Her older brother is her hero.
- She has a pet mini-pig named Aegi.
- She's known for her deceiving baby-face hiding her 'devil' personality.
- She was the vocalist of an independent rockband pre-debut.
- She changes her Nail Art every week.
- She still sleeps with either a nightlight or the TV on.
- Has a whole collection of piggie stuffed animals.

Appearance : [pre-debut rockband] 

Name of ulzzang/models : Kim Min Seo

Height : 177cm

Weight : 44kg


Family background : Tae Yeon was born as the youngest of the Cho family. She grew up rather close to her brother despite the four year . That may be why she's so much like him. Her life was rather uneventful. She went to school, she took piano lessons, she was a normal girl. One day she was at the pool with her siblings and she fell in; she was never really a good swimmer. She nearly drowned; her brother saved her and therefore became her hero. She has never stepped foot near a pool or beach or anything since. The only other things in her life that were memorable were her brother debuting, her brother's car accident, and her being accepted as a trainee.

Family members :
Cho JaeHyun | 68 | Father | Though he's not happy with Tae Yeon's choice to be an idol, he supports her to reach her dreams. He's strict and somewhat distant, but he lets his children know he loves them.
Cho MinJi | 67 | Mother | Loving and supporting mother, she's always there for her children. She can be strict as well, but is closer to the kids than their father is.
Cho Ahra | 27 | Unnie | Even though Ahra and Tae Yeon have the biggest of the siblings, they love each other very much. They go shopping together sometimes, even though Ahra calls Tae Yeon her 'second brother' because of how much her younger siblings are alike.
Cho Kyuhyun | 24 | Oppa | Kyuhyun and Tae Yeon are very close. They aren't only siblings, they're best friends. They play games together and 'bully' the Super Junior members together.

Idol Life

Stage Name : Yeon

Persona : Devil Princess

Own Fanclub Name : Little Devils

Own Fanclub Color : Red

Atitude on stage : On stage, Yeon becomes fierce and concetrated while the music is playing. Once the music stops, she becomes 'greasy'; she blows kisses, winks, throws hearts, the whole nine yards. 

Position : Main Vocalist + Sub-Dancer

What are your fans called? : Demons

Message to future fans : It's the girl you hate to love, Devil Princess Yeon. Keep loving me and keep torturing your elders. They'll love you anyway.

Message to other applicants : Good luck~! Hwaiting. ^_^

Trainee years : 6 years

How did you get in Cube Ent? : After three years at SM, Tae Yeon was let go. Merely days later, her former trainer from SM came to her with papers; she was now a trainee under a different company.

Background of Trainee life : Her trainee life was rather easy after leaving SM. The only thing that was difficult was the fact that she liked pranking and joking a lot, and quite a few people didn't like it.

Love interest : Niel

How do you met him/her? : They go to the same high school. They met in their Music Appreciation class.

His personality: Goofy and silly. He's dorky and adorable. He's a sweetheart, and a great performer. He and Tae Yeon goof around a lot, and mostly just play video games or write songs together.

Any scenes? : Perhaps a scene with them writing a song together and then maybe asked to perform together on a show? [I'm no good at coming up with scene requests]

Ex-boyfriend? Ex-girlfriend? : N/a

Best friends :
Cho Kyuhyun
Shim Changmin

Friends :
Kim HyunA
Kim Jongin (Kai)

Rivals : N/a

Role Models :
SNSD's Kim Taeyeon
SuJu's Cho Kyuhyun

Anything else you've forgotten? : Nope. Hwaiting with your story. ^^

Password : I didn't eat any cookies. Tae Yeon might have, but not me. I'm on a diet~ ^_^ xD


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