It Seriously Ticks Me Off

The slightest grammar mistakes in my writing irks the outta me, idk why. Like missing "the" or saying "him" instead of "his". And I'm ALWAYS compelled to go back and change it because that's the perfectionest in me. -_- I've been beta-ing my own this whole time, but I'm getting to the point where I can't take it anymore. Lol my major is English. My mom used to be an English teacher. And English is my favorite subject: I shouldn't be making mistakes period, is how I see it -sigh- Just a rant. Carry on.


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Everyone makes mistakes, even when we know better. I do all the time. ^^; Often, readers don't even notice them as much as we do.
Aww, hun, we're all human. It is normal to make some mistakes so don't worry ^^.