Serine Lee



She's cool & awesome! I only realised she had covers today, though. LOL. If you watch her other videos, they are mostly rants.
Her rants aren't like some other rants, in my opinion. They make a lot of sense and can be very deep, sometimes. It's obvious that it's all based on her experiences from before. 

She's very matured with her opinions and choice of words. I reaaally like her. :) 

Anyhoo, when I found out that she had two other channels - one singing channel and one make-up tutorial one -, I went ahead to check out the videos and they are aweeeesome. Somehow, I arrived back at her ranting channel and found this old cover of hers from last November. And she sings gooooood so I decided to share.

If you like her now, you'll LOVE her when you watch her other videos. And, if you want to subscribe, here are her channels: 

11x11PM - Rant/VLOG Channel
SeringSings - Singing Channel
SerineTV - Make-up Tutorials Channel

Yeah. Subscribe to her! It won't be something to regret, I promise! She can be funny, sarcastic and critical but always very reasonable. She makes GREAT videos so seriously go subscribe to her. 8D


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oh my gosh she is so amazing :D