||♔ KEYZ Application Form ♔ || hopenewexcitinglife

||♔ KEYZ Application Form ♔ ||


||♔ KEY ♔||



AFF Username: hopenewexcitinglife

Profile Link: hopenewexcitinglife

NickI'm Az, nice to meet you too!



Name: Choi Hana

Nicknames: Ally or Hana or Azza

AgeI look like a 16 year-old but I stopped age-ing at 20. 

Date of Birth: 27/08/92

Blood Type: AB

Height: 171 cm

Weight54 kg


Languages Spoken

  • Fluent in English
  • Can speak a bit of Korean
  • knows some words in Mandarin and Japanese



Name of Ulzzang/Model usedChoi Ha Neul 


Back-up Ulzzang/Model: Kwon Su Jeong


Style: [1+ each but no more than 3, Tumblr, polyvore, etc. ]

  • Everyday clothes


  • Events/Occasional/Party:


  • Training


  • Work clothes[These are what you wear when you hunt for JOKERZ]


  • Night wear[Pj's!]


Extra/s: Nothing 




Her, Hana, or preffered known as Azza is a lucifer. She looks cold when she's spacing out but looks warm and sweet when she smiles. She's kind and helps people, no matter what or who they are. That meant she'd help a JOKERZ if she had to. She's a sweet bubbly girl. She's hard-working at her work but tends to push things to the limits due to her chilidishness. She sometimes become too nice and people would walk all over her. She has a soft spot for children, animals and people in need.

Though, don't try to mess with her. She can kick when needed and will curse people when she wants to. So don't be surprised if you hear some cursing under breath when you meet her, kay? She is a quiet girl with many secrets kept hidden. Earning her trust isn't as easy as being friends with her. She also holds grudges so be careful, I'm warning you. 


  • Mythical creatures
  • Ice-cream and mocha
  • Being called a puppy
  • Being respected
  • Sleeping
  • Dancing
  • Travelling on her dragon 
  • Romantic scenes



  • Insects
  • Being treated like a servant
  • Being disturbed
  • Anybody touching her things without permission
  • Bad people of the world
  • Hearing kids cry



  • Archery
  • Basketball
  • Teasing people
  • Playing guitar
  • Dancing 


Good Habits :

  • Cursing when frustrated [venting out anger] 
  • Smiling at any situation [positive attitude]

Bad Habits :

  • Fighting [looking for trouble]  
  • Over-working herself [rarely asks for help] 



  • Death
  • Wars
  • Kinves


  • She is friends with every tribe
  • She was once a HUMAN and got killed by a JOKERZ.
  • Avex and Kawaii guarded her even before she became a TORCH.
  • She was scouted by Onew and joined the PEACEMAKER.
  • In the end, after the meeting, she became a KEYZ



  • Has a dragon called Kawaii 
  • Talks to herself sometimes
  • Math genius
  • Claustrophobic
  • Hates being alone


|| AS A KEY ||

TORCH: Hyung Seok

His LOCKET: A ring


Your Relationship/Attitudes

  • We can make a good team if he stops complaining about me following him about.
  • We bicker a lot but we make up after that.
  • He likes to tease me a lot and I would beat him up 
  • He also likes to touch my things



  • Telekinesis [controlling things with mind]
  • Wind bender

WorkAt first, it was a bit unfair cause they're just the same as we are, want to live free. But if there were nobody to catch, life would be boring. 

Triplet: Grey

WeaponAn electric guitar. One button can make it play awesome music and the other it can turn into a flaming sword

Familiar spiritA dragon named Avex. 




Love Interest: 

  1. Kris | EXO-M Kris | Human
  2. Hyung Seok | My TORCH 

His Personality: 

  1. Kris is said to be cold and arrogant in one look. But he's actually just shielding himself from getting hurt. He has had harsh clashes with his girlfriend. Thus, making him afraid of love and go wild when it's time to party rock. He's a romantic guy but he's just too afraid
  2. A brave manly guy who seems to have another cute side. He can be charismatic around others but goofy around Hana. He does aegyo to Hana when she's depressed. Walks around when he wants to think. Hangs out a lot with Hana. He likes bright colours except orange and he's allergic to flowers.

Your Relationship

  1. Kris sees me as his imaginary friends and sometimes his friends thinks he's crazy. We communicate through natural elements. If I'm happy, I'd give him a warm breeze and if he's sad, I'd form the clouds, using the wind to keep him happy.
  2. My relationship with HyungSeok seems to stay as friends in his eyes. We agree on almost everything but when we argue, you can expect someone getting hurt. We work well together sometimes.

My status is Love Triangle between these two. 


Best Friend: Kris | HUMAN [he's also my love interest] 


  • Other KEYZ [the chosen applicants]
  • Leeteuk | Trainer | PEACEMAKER
  • Lu Han | HUMAN




  • Dongwoo | JOKER
  • EunHyuk | JOKER
  • Minho | Joker
  • KyuHyun | PEACEMAKER


  • Dongwoo was the one who murdered Hana.
  • Eunhyuk tried to kill Kawaii to stop Avex from treating Hana, Kawaii and Avex are pretty tight and they helped each other in treating Hana.
  • Minho disturbed Hana when she was a human. Thus, making her thinks she's gone loco. 
  • KyuHyun saw Hana as a spy from another unknown dimension because of her two dragons. That convinced the PEACEMAKER to make Hana into a KEY.


|| EXTRA ||

Comments: I might add some of it later ... is that okay with you? 

Suggestions/Ideas: How about add a character to be like the LEADER of JOKER and then the PEACEMAKERS + KEY + TORCH + TRIPLETS + FAMILIAR vs JOKER + GHOUL ^.^ just saying 




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