Some Scary Stuff We Got Here! XD

Um, so today, I was at Pacific Mall (LOL, it's the biggest Oriental mall in North America...but I go there, like, every week and it seems so small -.-). I went with three of my really close friends (who go to my school and went to my elementary school), one of my other really close friends (she went to the same elementary school as us but she goes to another high school) and this friend's two friends from her school. 

So, it's around 3:45-4:00-ish, and we're sitting in the small food court upstairs. I shared some beef balls with one of my friends and we just finished. Then, we're all just talking, getting to know the other two friends...LOL, making friends for the first time....and suddenly, we hear, like, noises coming from a table behind us and we turn around. 

We see this guy BEATING...(BEATING!) a girl! I was, like, what the hell? WHAT THE HELL? He's hitting the poor girl! That's not right!

image image

And so was everyone else...and so, the girl is trying to fight back then he KICKS her in the side (who the hell does that to a woman?) She bumps into a chair and the chairs are, like, glued to the ground so obviously it doesn't move back and it must've hurt! :'( This stupid idiotic man starts to walk away, thinking that he can just leave like that. Then, the girl threw some bubble tea at him. He doesn't turn around and continues to walk. So he's passing by our table and we're all like...WTH? 

The girl shouts from where she's standing, "You think you're cool hitting a girl, huh? Waddup?" And he's a couple steps away from us then this next guy comes dashing towards him from behind and PUSHES him! LIke, pushes him straight up, eh. LOL. He stumbles forward but he doesn't fall face flat. He turns around like he's about to kick that other guy's... (I don't swear, if I did I'd use some other word) but then he just walks away again. 


I SWEAR...we were all so scared XD I was like..."First time I've seen, like, a fist fight right in front of me."

image And to make matters worse, it was a guy BEATING a freakin' girl. The girl seemed fine though and that other dude who pushes him seemed alright, too. I was TERRIFIED. And the friend I was sharing the beef balls with and I were, like, "We should get out! What if he comes back with a gun or something?" LOL, I'm joking, but it was scary. 

No one bothered to stop it. Some workers in those restaurant places was like, "Hey! Hey!" That's all, though...

Oh, man, that was scary. Anyway, the rest of the time was fun. We ate so much...I ended up having to go to the washroom LOL Me and the friend I shared the food with were at Pacific Mall until 7:30 (we got there around 3:00?). We took the bus but it only took us, like, less than five minutes to bus there and according to  my two other friends, this old man looked down my shirt O.O There's nothing to look at there ^.^ 


One of the girls my friend brought with her is Korean and she's so adorable. She's really loud and talkative though. It was just her, me, and my other friend (the friend with the food) were there for, like, an hour together after everyone else left. She looked in almost every clothing store. Those clothing stores have those cute asian-y clothes that are meant for small Asian girls. I asked her, "Do you actually wear those things?" I can't wear them myself so I asked because I was curious. She's like, "Yeah. I just wear them as, like, casual wear." I can't do that...XD She's so funny. We were passing by a store and they were playing Run Devil Run and we were both singing along then she stops and she says, "I don't even like Girls' Generation. Why am I singing along?" XD What a joker.

OOOH, I also found the Innocent Version of Infinite's Be Mine Jpn. Album, but I already have the Pop Art Version but the pictures on tumblr made me want the Innocent version SO BAD :'( I picked it up and turned it and I see L's BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME face on the back (his humungous photo card thingy). I showed my friend (LOL, same one who I share the food with). She's like, "Aw, L is so adorable~"


I was so happy but I didn't want to buy it since it was $35.99, I think? I might just buy their new album and the Innocent Version online together instead...*sigh*

Yeah, so I think I'm gonna start doin' some blog posts, you know. Uh, yeah. You can keep up with my daily life LOL But yeah. It's my daddy's birthday today, too! He's already 54 OMG, almost a senior citizen XD I love my daddy. We just ate out at a restaurant...right after I go to Pacific Mall and my stomach is already full, right? So. yeah. I had some nice Chicken Katsu (I don't know if that's the right way to write it...?) *nods head awkwardly*

Uh...thanks for reading? XP G'night! Leave some comments if you wish! Should I start putting up blog posts? 


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