About Me...=3

Starting time: 8:03PM.

Name: Janice Mok.

Brother(s): 0.

Sister (s): 0.

Eye Color: Dark brown, like all Asians.

Shoe size: ...7 *cough*

Hair: Dark brown, like all NATURAL Asians.

Piercings: One on each earlobe when I was 8.

Height: 152cm. SHORT!

What are you wearing right now?: Winter school uniform.

Where do you live?: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Favorite number: I dunno...8? 21? 501?! (LOL!)

Favorite drink: Coconut juice, and others. ^^

Favorite month: January (my brithday!)

Favorite breakfast: Instant noodles with seaweed and EGG! Aha~ So Asian.


-Have You Ever-


Broken a bone: No.

Been in a police car: Don't think so...(thinking about a primary school excursion)

Fallen for a friend: ...no?

Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time: Yes...^^'

Swam in the ocean: No, I was about to back then though.

Fallen asleep in school: Yes...especially in grade 5 *cough5Tcough*.

Broken someone’s heart?: Don't think so...

Cried when someone died?: Yes. =/

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No. o_0

Saved e-mails: Yes.

Been cheated on: No. -_-




Your room like?: Messy. Smells like skin products.

What is right beside you?: So much junk. Apple, my pile of Chinese HW, pencils, sharpener, and other paperwork from school.

What is the last thing you ate?: APPLE.


-Ever Had-


Chicken pox: No. Aren't we like...all immuned to it in Australia?

Sore throat: DUH.. -_-

Stitches: Yeah.

Broken nose: ...no. My nose is too flat to be brokened. XD


-Do You-


Believe in love at first sight?: No.

Like picnic?: No. Boring~




Did you last yell at?: Either my mum or the ignorant people at school...can't remember.

Who was the last person you danced with?: Margeret to Super Junior M's 'Supergirl'. XD

Who last made you smile?: THE COMPUTER.


-Final Questions-


What are you listening to right now?: Myself typing, computer noise and TV.

What did you do today?: Woke up, went to school, and yeah. Typical life of 'kids'.

Diamond or pearl?: Diamond.

Are you the oldest?: I'll never be the oldest!

Indoors or outdoors?: Indoors.


-Today did you-


Talk to someone you like?: Yes...

Kiss anyone?: WTF?! NO!

Sing?: Yes...embarassing. =/

Talk to an ex?: Don't have one, don't talk to one. They're P. E. D. O. S. JKS.

Miss someone?: No. BWAHAHAHA~

Ate ? : DUH. =="


-Last person who-


You talked to on the phone?: Aselia.

Made you cry? : Nick Vujicic's book.

Went to the movies with?: Oh man, I think it was Sabrina?

You went to the mall with?: *coughMumcough*

Who cheered you up?: Uh...I'm just gonna say SS501.


-Have you-


Been to Mexico?: No. o_0

Been to USA?: No. I want to though.




Have a crush on someone?: Nah DUH. =="

What books are you reading right now?: Autobiographies of my favourite 'life' idols Reggie Dabbs and Nick Vujicic.

Best feeling in the world?: When a guy gives you a surprise hug (coming from someone that doesn't like hugs, this is weird for me to say this. o_0). =)

Future kids names?: Something unique...depends on my future hubby.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: No.

What’s under your bed?: Boxes of...'you know what' and BABY CLOTHES from when I was little. o_0

Favorite sport(s): Cycling...but now I'm starting to like badminton as well.

Favorite place?: SOUTH KOREA PLEASE!!

Who do you really hate?: Justin Boeck...the orangutan.

Do you have a job?: No, I'm underage.

What time is it now?: 8:28PM.


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