GAME Application - Ling Xiaoyu

Application form


About yourself

Username: stanleyunique

User profile: Hello

How would you like me to address you: Unique (my name)


About your character

Name: Ling Xiaoyu

Nickname (if any): Honey Legs ; Laughs Like Hyena ; You Choco-holic

Age: 20

Date of birth: March 21

Place of Birth: Hong Kong, China

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Nationality: Chinese - Korean



Xiaoyu is a very funny and outgoing girl. She is very loud and energetic, always doing things to make others laugh or because she just feels the need to express herself. She doesn't really care what others have to say about her because she is comfortable in her own skin. She is very spontaneous and adventurous. She doesn't mind jumping up on tables in public and dancing to random songs. She loves exploring around town or sometimes to other countries. She is just a very bubbly girl who likes to have fun. She is a jokester, she likes to prank her friends and family. She doesn't really do anything too extreme - to her - just something that will cause a reaction out of people.

She is very bold and does things that normally others wouldn't. For example, she and her friends were shopping and they came across some cute baby dolls, she immediately grabbed one and ran around to different strangers screaming, "Have you seen my baby daddy? I need to see my baby daddy! Where is he?!" Her friends were shocked at her boldness, but, at the same time, they couldn't help but laugh at the reactions that everyone had of Xiaoyu. It was just a very humorous sight. She also sometimes have a habit of walking on her hands (handstands, anyone?). She is very flexible and uses this to her advantage. She is very agile and quick. She is also a very quick learner.

Even though she is very goofy and silly, she definitely maintains a great academic record. She kept a 4.0gpa through high school and even now that she is currently a university student, she still has that grade. She knows when to tone it down, but most of the time, she is seen being very loud and crazy. She also has an addiction to chocolates. She never strays too far from the treats. Chocolates are like her weakness and if she does not have a piece at the start of the day, it is hard for her to function. She does not like to share them with anyone, either and will get on the defense if asked for a piece. She will cling to her chest and scream, "Nope, no way! uh uh! Not my chocolates--go get your own!" then she will run to the nearest room and eat her chocolate goodness in peace...

Overall, Xiaoyu is a very energetic, spontaneous, wild, crazy, choco-holic, bold individual.


Language: Korean-Fluent, Chinese-Fluent, English-Basic, Japanese-Basic




-Bright, vibrant colors


-Spicy foods

-Spontaneous individuals



-Rude, inconsiderate individuals



-Traditional pets (such as puppies and kittens)

-People who think that they are better than others



-Poking her friends in the cheeks

-Walking on top toes when barefoot

-Humming while chewing food

-Popping bubble wrap when around it

-A slight chuckle at the end of her sentences

-Being somewhat sarcastic when stating the complete obvious

-Sometimes leaving the water running in the faucet (sometimes she forgets whether she turned it off or not)

-Constantly checking to see if the stove is off (her house almost caught fire when she was younger because she left the stove on)

-Laughing uncontrollably whenever someone looks her straight in the face and says, "pudding"

-Wiggling her nose whenever she has an idea



-Writing poetry

-Reading romance novels and mangas

-Hanging out with her friends

-Texting non-stop


-Creating her own unique fashions

-Pranking and joking around

-Being spontaneous and bold in public

-Composing songs based on her mood 1 - 2



-Once pranked her little sister by freezing her sisters' credit card in a block of ice in the freezer to keep her sister from going above her spending budget

-Owns a pet Boa Constrictor named Herb

-Never had a boyfriend

-Writes with both left and right hand but she prefers her left

-Never had wisdom teeth grow in

-Once, when she was walking up the stairs with her friends, her sandals broke and she fell down. Almost instantly, a group of hot guys walked by and to play it off, Xiaoyu posed suddenly and shouted, "Hurry up and take the picture, guys, I'm not about to sit down here forever!"

-Was once listed as "Missing" but it turns out that she got lost in Incheon, Korea for a few hours

-One eye is slightly larger than the other

-Was dubbed as "Honey Legs" because of her long, silky smooth legs (it was also a joke because she is slightly bo-legged)



What do you look like?

Name of Ulzzang: Eun

Picture: 1 - 2 - 3

Name of back-up ulzzang: Kim Min Seo

Pictures: 1 - 2 - 3


Tell me about your life

Family members: [Name | Age | Relationship]

Ling Ziang: 45: Father: Doctor

Ling Eun Yee: 40: Mother: Elementary school teacher

Ling Xun: 5: Baby Brother: His Image

Ling Dao Qiao: 16: Sister: Her Image

Kim Seohyun: 40: Aunt: Photograher: (Xiaoyu's mothers' twin sister)

Kim Daego: 45: Uncle: Lawyer

Kim SooYeon: 20: Xiaoyu's cousin/best friend: Her Image


Family background:

Xiaoyu's mother actually met her father when she had traveled to China with her friends one year when she was in college. Instantly, a romance sprang up. Things got a little complicated and she immediately conceived Xiaoyu. She felt a little ashamed and embarrassed that her summer trip to China turned into her being a young mother who was still in college. She didn't know how she would go back to Korea and face her mother, but her Xiaoyu's father convinced her that he loved her and if he had to marry her to keep her and the baby, he would. He proposed to her and she accepted. Xiaoyu's grandmother had a hard time accepting her mothers' decision, but, in the end--it actually turned out great because they are happily married with three beautiful children. 

Even though Xiaoyu's family stayed in China for most of her life--her mother still wanted her to know about her Korean roots and often spoke to her in Korean to teach her the language. They also traveled to Korea on their free time so that she could spend some quality time with her family. It didn't take long for Xiaoyu to fall in love with the Korean culture and beg her mother to let her stay in Korea with her aunt, uncle, and cousin. Her mother was hesitant at first--but finally decided to let both Xiaoyu and her sister, Qiao, to stay there. On one condition--that she make sure her little sister stays out of trouble! Xiaoyu accepted and here she in Korea, with her cousin and her little sister. (She misses her mother, father, and little brother dearly - he was born around the time she moved to Korea. She constantly takes trips to China to see her brother and her mother and father).


Friend(s): Lee Umiko: 20: Her Image

Best friend: Lee YunHee: 19: (Umiko's little sister): Her Image

Love interest: G-Dragon (Big Bang)


His personality:

He is very generous and entertaining--always smiling and laughing for the heck of it. He goes with the flow of life and doesn't really care what people have to say about him. He smokes, a bad habit that is something that he is currently trying to stop. He is somewhat of a rebel, but, who isn't? He likes to be around his closest friends, but sometimes he likes to have his alone time in order to create new songs for his group. He is very demanding at times and want people to perform their best and give it their all. He may have a great personality, but he is somewhat shy around those that he do not know.


How did the two of you meet:

The two actually met one night when he was walking around Seoul, Korea. He just wanted to get away from his group and explore the town since they were visiting and had a concert the next day. In the streets, while he was walking, a taxi stopped and let out four very gorgeous girls (Xiaoyu and her cousin, friend, and best friend). He immediately looked at the last one who stepped out. His heart danced and he just had to introduce himself to her. The girls saw him and smiled and continued walking to their destination. The look that Xiaoyu gave to him was something that he'd never forget and he found himself following them until they got to a fancy eating place. When she was left alone, he immediately introduced himself as Kwon Jiyong rather than G-Dragon and she politely told her his name. He was confused at first -- did she know him? But instead of wondering if she was a fan or not, he immediately found himself inviting her to the concert as his special guest the next night. She would have declined, but when her friends arrived back from the restroom, they told her to attend. She did, and she admits that she had a very nice time. From that night forward, he has made an effort to speak with her and get to know her better because he realized that she does not want anything from him (such as money or a push into the industry). It also makes her all the more likable about the fact that she composes music and he writes music - to him , it's a great match...


Rival for you: CL (2NEL) because she has a crush on G-Dragon and finds that Xiaoyu is a little to fake for him. She believes that she is using him as her step into the industry.

Rival for him: Lee Tuk (of Super Junior)


Back-up love interest: Lee Tuk (of Super Junior)


His personality:

He is very energetic and exciting. He doesn't hesitate to say what is on his mind, but he doesn't mean anything in a bad way. He just wants things to be done correctly because he doesn't want his group to be seen as weak or unable to do well for themselves. He is also very charismatic and charming.


How did the two of you meet:

He actually accidentally bumped into Xiaoyu one night outside of a club. Before she could fall to the ground, he immediately reached out and gently grabbed her arms, pulling her to him. It was a quick reflex that shocked not only her, but himself as well. He stood there, holding her for a few moments before realizing. He let her go and apologized for hurting her. She told him that all was well and that if she had watched where she was going, she wouldn't have been clumsy and fell. He assured her that it wasn't her fault. She bowed and was about to leave but he had to go ahead and ask for her name. She told him and he in turn told her his. He couldn't resist the urge to ask her to hang out with him if she was free the next day, so, he did. But, she kindly rejected saying that she had already told Jiyong that she would hang out with him. He didn't know why, but he got a little jealous. He nodded and told her, "Another time, then," with his face a little emotionless. They exchanged numbers and he vowed that he wouldn't let G-Dragon have her...


Rival for you: Yoona (SNSD) - she looks up to Lee Tuk and believes that he should watch out as to what girls he associates himself with and she doesn't like that Xiaoyu and Lee Tuk are becoming friends...


Rival for him: G-Dragon (of Big Bang)


About your group

Stage name: Yun (Means melody in Korean)

Individual fan club name: Choco-holics ; Honey

How long have you been a trainee: For five years (ever since she moved to Korea, she has been interested in singing and dancing and her cousin and friends influenced her to audition and she did).

Persona: Captain Charisma (she isn't camera shy and her attitude and demeanor actually brings about a sense of power and dignity to the group. It makes them more mature than they appear and it gives them a form of stage presence)

Position: Main Vocalist


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