Fanfic Writer Interview (Stolen from somewhere)

. Why did you start writing? 

Ah let me begin; I first got into writing around when I was in middle school I think, I love reading. I read a ton of books, manga comics, novella's you name it I'll try reading it. I started reading all these fascinating stories and thought 'Hey, this sounds like fun I'll give it a go' and that's how I got into writing I guess.

2. Who inspired you to write?

Fanfiction is actually what inspired me mostly, I realized...this is something I want to do for an actual job and hobby. I want to make a living off my stories, obviously you can't make a living off of fanfiction but it's just a fun hobby for me. Original stories I tend to be more serious on but I think I'm getting off topic here sorry ^^; 


3. Where does your fanfic ideas come from?


I'm not sure really, I wonder this myself sometimes. If it's a nice day outside; I'll try going for a walk, or just play video games, watch movies, talk to people, spend time with my family etc. Talking to people in real life and online can really get your mind going sometimes, even simply watching a movie gets ideas going in my head. I swear sometimes, I don't think my brain ever takes a break @__@ 


4. If you read other Fanfiction writers, who is it?

Oh my gosh I have so many. I love HellsRainbow stories, he writes really good horror and I might add ;3 TiaraL writes just amazingly. I love how descriptive she is with her writing and I can really feel the character's emotions when I'm reading some of her stories. Yunjae_hlub is also a wonderful writer; her Yunjae stories amazing. Kind of different too from the typical ones where Yunho marry's Jaejoong in the end and things like that. Ah and KimAiko I started getting into, I love her story 'The Patient From Hell' it's got awesome humor, excellent character's and a great plot line ^^ I have many more fanfic writer's I adore but I don't think, I can list them all on here sorry to say ha ha.


5. Why do you write the group(s) you write about?


Interesting question honestly. I don't know really, I've written so many anime/manga fanfics in my lifetime that I like writing about my favorite K-Pop groups for a change. I obviously can't meet them in real life or hang out with them; so occasionally I'll write living with your idol type stories. I know those are highly frowned upon on...but let a girl dream please? V.V XD I love DBSK a lot obviously they were the reason I got into K-Pop all five are wonderful men who work so hard and I get fanfic ideas I guess, whenever I see them? I dunno really.


6. Have any writer friends?


Many actually ha ha. All of you are awesome too, you inspire me, you make my day when I'm upset about guys rock. Uh back on topic here XD Yes I do have writer friends ^^


7. Which member you dislike and like writing the most?


I'm not sure to be honest; I think I can write Jaejoong pretty well...and as for dislike it would have to be the girl groups V.V I love girl groups too; but sometimes they're kind of hard to write about and this is coming from a girl ha ha.


8. What do you love and hate about writing?


I can use my imagination and make my own rules in writing, it's an escape for me sometimes if I'm feeling stressful or sad. As for dislike, I hate writer's block >< Sometimes I'm just sitting at my laptop staring at the screen, for hour's and hour's trying to think of something. Ha ha one time my nana actually came in and said 'Okay...I think it's time you took a break for awhile' Me: Wait, wait! I have now it's gone again. XD


But yeah writer's block is my biggest pet peeve, that and trying not to make my OC's mary sues or gary stues ><


9. How many subscribers do you have?

Um let me check; Holy.....shisus! 498 subscriber's?! O___O Where'd this number pop up? XD Thanks a lot you guys ^//^


10. If someone ask you advice about writing, what would you say?


In all honesty I'm not good at giving advice, but I will say this; Write what YOU want to write. Don't write what other's want to see written write what you're comfortable writing about. Don't let other's bully you and say 'You're a terrible writer, you should give up'. These people probably can't write so they bully others and tell them they can't write, because that's what they were told. Constructive criticism is not bullying/harassing, it only becomes that if the one giving constructive criticism is rude and arrogant which you don't really have to be when you're giving a review you know that right?



That's it I guess ^^


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It's pretty fun actually ^^ I like doing these things.
Cool I might do this too.