
I've had a f@cebook for about (hum) five or so years now and well, I've never been one to add random people unless I really knew then, so I have like fourty friends that mostly consist of family...


but the real reason for this blong is the express the question- is it ok to unfriend family?


I mean I know alot of people who don't even except their family requests, but I'm not really that type I guess... I have a huge family so it's nice to (stalk) check in on them every once and a while... but I have this sister who I barely know, I don't much like her but I don't ate her either.


she's a bit of a flake and a jerk and really, I'd never want to be one of her real friends cause she tends to dump her friends like garbage the moment they say anything against her... frankly she's a , I don't like calling people that (contrary to popular belief here, I'm pretty sure most of my viewers think I must cuss ragularly when in the real world I rarely utter a single profanity...) but it discribes her so well -.- she's the type who goes through boys, goes through friends and doesn't even care about her own kids sometimes, I mean they'd be pretty good kids if she didn't treat them like that...


but what has really gotten me rialed up is that she posted of f@cebook that she's moving to Arizona with out even telling us, with out even telling her own father- he had to freaking learn about it from F@cebook for crying out loud... I just can't understand how anyone could do that to their own dad, how they could down that to my dad?


IDK, I try not to judge people I barely know, and I deffinatly barely know my sister, it's not like she's around long enough to care about when she's gone *shrugs*


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cutiepiehunter -she's the type who'd probably notice, she might not care to talk to dad and me but we just HAVE to pay attention to every little thing going on with her life, it'd be world war 3 if we didn't go to her "ultra wonderful wedding to MR. perfect" which none of us really wanna go to -.- (waist of time, waist of money and she'll probably leave him in a year anyways-.-)<br />
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000095- I'd prolly delete your mum too... that sounds rude, lol, no offense to your mum, I'm sure she's very nice^^ but in those circumstances I mean^^