Junior Girls Application


Personal Information: 

AFF Username: Harasofea

AFF User Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/105093


Basic Information:

Birth Name: Kim Hyun Ji 

Stage Name {Optional}: Aria

Group Position:Main Rapper + Sub-Vocal

D.O.B {dd/mm/yy}:2nd January 1995

Age {15-19}:17

Height {cm}:170cm

Weight {kg}:45kg


Personality Information:

Description of Personality {At least one paragraph, and keep it realistic}:Unlike her brother, she is very hard headed and she sometimes over confidence. She lacks fear and embarassment, she does what she wants and doesn't think of what people will say.Though she will be abit awkward around people she barely know, she is also awkward with her oldest brother. She is very clumsy and yet covers it up in a funny way. She likes to make people laugh and has abit of a 4D personality that people thinks the only thing shes inherit from her brother.

Likes {5+}:Manga || Fashion || Orange Juice || Cakes || Food ||Animals

Dislikes {5+}:Tomatoes || Veggies || Bugs || Liars || Storms || Darkness

Hobbies:Cook || Eat || Sleep || Tweet || Swimming

Trivia:She thinks she is not like her brother and thinks she is better. || She sleeps with her puppy, but when the puppy is not in her room she'll sleep with her teddy. || She still sneaks to her brother's room to sleep whenever there's a thunderstorm. ||  She is very dependent towards Hyun Joong, but when he's not there she'll become very independent. || Her puppy is a golden retriever named Kim Ji, but her brother mistaken it for KimChi.

Fears: Thunderstorm,Heights, Being alone in the dark.



Appearance Information:

Ulzzang Name: Lee Jung Ha

Picture Links {3+}: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Friends and Family Information:

Family:Father-Kim Jung Suk-53-Restaurant owner. Mother-Jang Ha Yi-52-Housewife.Eldest Brother-Kim Young Joon-27-Military.Kim Hyung Joong-25-Idol of SS501.

Friends: Oh Hye Mi-17-Student/SM Trainee, Min Seo Ra-17-Trainee/Net idol(OC). 

Best Friends: CoEd Hyewon and Seo Eunkyo.

Lovers: Hwang MinHyun of NU'EST

Lovers Personality: He is very shy and quiet. He is very gentleman, who treats every girl nicely and inventually giving them the wrong idea. But he is very loyal to the person he likes and never look at anyone else. 

Relationship Status: Single


Fan Information:

Individual Fan Club Name: Meloria/s (Aria's Melodies) 

Individual Fan Colour: Pink and Light Pink

Individual Fan Sign:Pink Dolphin 




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