Random Rants

Why is sticking my flashdrive into my computer like a teenage trying to find the hole?

Why the is it called a soft drink when it is ANYTHING but soft? That burns my throat, not trinkles down smoothly like a duck on a lake.

Why, on advirtisements about some new drug, are the side effects WORSE than the problem you're taking the drug for? Uhm, I'm not about to have cancer and brain damage just becuase of a little skin problem, thank you. The ?

Who the cares about Kum Kardashian? She's famous...for being a . And having marriages that last for as long as it takes to blink. Just, really. 

Why do these investgiative shows ALWAYS have interviewed people who say the most obvious stuff but try to sound as if they are experts? Why does the show ALWAYS repeat the "" scene of the lovers? AND WHY THE HELL does EVERY part aftert the commercial consist of one-thirds RECAP? WHY? The show could literally be 10 minutes if you cut out the repetitiveness and the commercials. GET TO THE POINT.


K I'm done. 


For now




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I wish I knew the answers to these questions of life. Especially the Kardashian chick. Like her and her sisters are famous for what? Smh. ><