From One To Five

I Always Have Problems Choosing My SHINee Bias. Why? Well Because I Love Them All & It's Very Hard To Choose Since They Are All Great.

Now, Let Me Show You How I Have Them Numbered From One To Five.


Lee Taemin #1

Choi Minho #2

Kim Kibum #3

Kim Jonghyun #4

Lee Jinki #5


There! So Everytime Someone Asks Me Who's My Favorite, I Would Always Say Taemin, But Honestly All Of Them Are My Favorite. It's Not My Fault I Can't Make Up My Mind And Choose Just One. It's Very Hard & I Know It Can Be Very Hard For You Too.

Now, Going To The Question I Was Supposed To Ask....From One To Five, In Which Order Would You Put The SHINee Members? You Got Your Example Right Above! Please Answer^^


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incubus #1
1. Lee Jinki
2. Lee Taemin
3. Kim Kibum
4. Choi Minho
5. Kim Jonghyun
1. Kim Kibum
2. Lee Taemin
3.Choi Minho
4. Kim Jonghyun
5. Lee Jinki
1. Lee taemin
2. kim kimbum
3. kim jonghyun
4. lee jinki
5. choi minho
Even though choi minho is last on my list I still LOVE him...
1. Lee Taemin
2. Kim Kibum
3. Lee Jinki
4. Kim Jonghyun
5. Choi Minho
1. Kim Kibum
2. Kim Jonghyun
3. Lee Jinki
4. Lee Taemin
5. Choi Minho

I love them all so much, but Key is definitely my bias....