Observation (Tiffany and Seohyun, implied ChangSeoKyu)

"Are you in love?" Tiffany asked her.

At that time, Joohyun just looked at her in confusion. "Why the sudden question, Unnie?"

Tiffany shrugged. "You look different. Like glowing?" Then when the younger girl was fidgeting, she raised her eyebrows. "Who is the lucky boy?"

Joohyun blinked several times. Then she shook her head and shifted her gaze away. "I don't have the luxury to be in relationship, Unnie."

Having been there too, Tiffany patted her dongsaeng's head in affection. "Understood. But it doesn't meant you can't."

Joohyun tilted her head to the right. Yeah, she could be in one, of course, but could she be in two relationships? Because it was easier for her to hide behind the rules of no dating then choosing from those two.

"Joohyun-ah!" Suddenly two, not one, voices called her in teasing tone. She lifted her head, and smiled. That's why she won't choose.

Beside them, Tiffany smiled too. Because she suddenly understood why the girl was reluctant to answer before.


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^^ thats hard..
naue523 #2
It's true! It must be hard to choose anyway :p
Eycha_sk11 #4
Ahahah yeah it not easy to choose rite seobaby ?! :D
Aw... So sweet. Hehe. If i'm in her condition too, i will torn between the twin evil maknaes. Hahaha XD