ism rant

I'm rather bored right now... well actually, verging on insanity really. my favorite thing to do when I bored is rant... I mean I'm GREAT at going on a topic for hours (exaggeration)

I used to hate feminists. all those "girl power!!" slogans in the '90s drove me to it! girls who said guys were useless and stupid made me angry because I was raised by guys. In my mind I didn't like girls, they made me angry (before I go on, I am very much a girl). I mean it wasn't totally groundless,

why do you think we've never had a woman president? not because guys say we can't (though it does contribute) but because girls are vicious petty creatures. we know exactly how to get into each other heads. while guys duke it out and usually make up after words, girls tear out each others hair out and still hold grudges till death (and have you noticed that girls ghosts are so much scarier then guy ghosts, Casper's got nothing on Sunako) I mean I'm not saying I'm any different from other girls, I just trust guys more then I do girls at times.

we as girls get into each others heads and tear it apart, so leads me to believe that we as women make each other insane.

now lets bring men into the picture. guys, I love guys alot, I could never make it as a lesbian or a guy because I love guys way to much. but guys make things difficult for women as well, since it's difficult for us to get into each others heads. girls like to know that they're incharge, I mean even in a patriarchal societies it's really the women, even the "codemed house wives" who really run the show. I mean I'm half way certain it was really Hilary running the house while Bill was out frolicking with this interns (is that to much?).

I like guys who are submissive, I like knowing that I can keep them under my thumb, it's the guy you can;t contain that intimidate me. I could never be one of those girls who give my body to someone else, I like being incharge when it comes to those things (this is sounding y...) I could never be ok with a guy being the leader. I guess cause I like having leverage over people, something I can use against them in a time of need, and any thoughts of them getting something like on me it terrifying...  that kind of makes me sound scary but it's just the way I think (past mishaps contributing to my behavior today).

Any guys who push there ideas and beliefs on me sorta piss me off. I didn't really notice until I thought this thought that the Feminist movement was there for that reason and not just to shout out "girl power" every time someone mistakes a comment. In my view, women are neither equal or inferior. men and women are different for many reasons, so a competition to see which is better seems irrelevant to me. It would be like trying to compare a horse with a Donkey, sure the other's prettier, but the Donkey's more helpful on a farm. this whole "girls are better then boys" "Boys are better then girls" debate is pointless and further divides us. in my mind, I want equal rights, not because I'm a woman, but because I'm a US citizen, I'm a person contributing to society just like a man.

what brings me into this topic is the discussion on high heels. to me, I think if you really wanna wear them, go ahead! but I read a couple articles about jobs requiring women to wear heels.

please , you better be wearing heels 24/7 if you're going to pass a policy like that. heels have been known to cause irreversible damages on feet, you wanna pay for my hospital bills when I can't walk anymore on my bunion filled feet? didn't think so. the only thing heels do is hurt your feet and make your look nice, so it bring up the question "do jobs requiring high heels only do this because they want male (and some cases female) costumers to focus on that certain part of the body?" do you know how many lawsuits we'd have if people considered that? but ism is a difficult thing to debate, people don't like messing with these kinds of things for fear of the image they'll get when it's all said and done, so any debate on ism, racism ect will always be over looked I guess.

what we need is debate, what we need is not to ignore our dispute between our beliefs but to bring up when ever we can. don't blindly fallow anything, always question because questions are what got us from living under an unfair king to being one of the best countries in the world. what we also need to understand is to listen, we were given only one tongue, while we have two eyes and two ears, use these to better your views, but remember, just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good (cough cough, nazism was pretty popular back then, as well as the KKK, see what I mean) so question everything, it in my opinion makes you a better citizen if you do.

now with that all said, it looks like I just wrote a paper for school... man, why can't I be in school anymore -.-



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