Questions: Stolen From TiaraL :)

Name: Lindsey, sorry won't give out my last name ^^
How old are you?: 19 and will be turning 20 on July 1st oh my....I'm getting old! XD Kidding. I know, twenty isn't that old.
What’s your favorite kpop group? DBSK! I could never stop loving these guys no matter what.
Do you have any pets?: I used to have a Golden Retriever named Alex...but he passed away when I was younger. 
What would you like to study in college? If you’re in college what are you studying?: Nah I don't think college is my thing; but if I were in college, I would definately pick English, Korean (if they have a course like that), and things like that.
Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color? Nope. I plan on getting red streaks in my hair; but don't see that happening anytime soon.
Do you play any instruments? Nah.
What’s your favorite movie? All the Disney movies (classics) and...IP MAN AND IP MAN 2! XD Donnie Yen is so freakin awesome OwO
What’s your favorite season? and why? I don't really have a favorite season, but I love fall the most ^^ I love seeing the leaf's change all those pretty color's, if you travel Up North in the fall it's just beautiful.
If you could meet anyone you want in the world right now, who would it be? All of DBSK of course ^^ Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin ^^ Plus the SNSD member's too ^^
Tell me an interesting fact about you: Interesting fact? Don't have any really ^^; Uh....I'm fascinated with the paranormal?
Your favourite kpop band(s)? DBSK is one of my all time favorite bands, I love SNSD, APink, starting to like Super Junior and SHINee..and that's it ^^; 
Favourite solo artists?: Solo artist? Um, does Riyu Kosoka count?
What's your favourite song at the moment?: Hmmm....Super Junior 'Sorry, Sorry' it's got a nice beat to it ^^
What would you do if you met your favourite kpop band?: I would try to act real chill around them, but stutter like an idiot I bet XD Maybe ask if I could have a hug or a group photo of us, hang out with them, and tell them how much they inspire me.
What country would you like to visit?: South Korea, Hong Kong, Scottland, Adams, Tennasee, Japan that's it so far.
What's your favourite non-kpop band?: I have a few: Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Disturbed, Breaking Point (I heard one of their songs in a few DBZ movies, they aren't too bad), Three Doors Down, Linkin Park,...that's it I guess.
Who's your favourite non-kpop singer?: Alana Grace and Avril Lavigne :)
Are you ticklish? If so, where?: My feet, chin and neck XD
What is your nationality?: American
Plans for summer?: Hmm not much I guess, just work on getting my novella published and other things hopefully.
If you could do whatever you want, what would you do?: Meet my favorite K-Pop groups, go to South Korea, become a author....that's it ^^;
Do you play video games? If so, what's your favourite?: Legend of Zelda FTW.
What's your favourite jewlery?: I don't have any honestly, but I've been interested in the cross necklaces those look pretty cool.
Favourite food?: Ah so hard to choose XD Um...desert wise it's cheescake hands down :3 But anything else? Everything.
What does your day mostly consist of?: Writing stories, listening to music, playing video games, hanging out with my family, reading fanfics or books, watching movies...that's it.
Favourite book? Ah another difficult question XD Um...The Kite Runner. Khaled Hosseini is a WONDERFUL author; I highly reccomend reading his books :)
Favourite animal?: Hmm my favorite animal, would have to be  a cat I guess.
Favourite genre of music?: Pop, rock, orchestra (sometimes), certain movie scores
Chick flick or Action movie?: Action! Martial arts action prefferably ^^
Favourite country, other than your own or one you were born in?: Hmmm...all the asian countries seem fasctinating, but Korea has been the one I'm most interested in, Scottland, Singapore, etc.
Day time or Night time?: I prefer day and night, but mostly night because of how quiet it is.


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