I fail x_x

Annyeong ^^ It`s quite rare nowadays that I write a blog post after I just wrote one the day before.

But ierno, i don`t think people read it anyways besides like DreamiiHeroine(:

Anyways ~ I failed to keep my promise x__x

I was suppose to get something done today. . .

but that sorta never happened .___.

I spent like an hour camerawhoring today ke ke ke ^^;;

and like 2 hours dancing o.o

...2 hours watching Playful Kiss

like an hour altogether eating. . .


then like 5 hours editing pictures lool.

It`s a long story ~ well, I was learning to use a new effect and that took me like 2 hours to be able to replicate it for the first time, then I spent like hours finishing the picture and doing another one ~

Btw, I have no clue where the rest of my time went xD

BUT. my excuse for not getting anything done is I blame Playful Kiss >__<

You seee, i was suppose to write during that time, but i just HAD to watch it O;

then i wanted to make pictures...so things that were suppose to get done never happened...x_x


I`m determined. Yes, hwaiting. Yes, you can do it<3

. . . but it`s troublesome that I know myself too well ._____.

i`m such a lazyy bum >~<" Yiiiikes. *sigh* i`ll try ;o

BUT. at least i`ve gots two pictures i accomplished :D

-clap clap-


Okay, so this one is JongHyun and ShinSeKyung~ i`m not exactly a shipper of them, but JongHyun`s like in love with her, so I felt like I was doing a semi-good thing(; besiides, didn`t she pick SHINee as the group she`d like to meet or whatever? ke ke ke ke ^^ I smell WGM. LOL

Btw, this picture took me nearly 3-4 hours because I was trying a new masking technique and following the tutorial was a pain in the O____O"


On contrary, this wallpaper only took me about 10-15 minutes because by the time I made this, I already pretty much remembered the masking process ~ ke ke ke . it`s not good-good, but i`m proud of myself :D


... Honestly,  I don`t think many people follow my blog...ierno why i`m writing it lool.

for myself? xD ke ke ke



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omgg~ you photoshop?<br />
D; i have cs4 right? but I have NOOO CLUE how to use it<br />
gaaah T_T I really wanna though