My high school crush turned best friend? WTF o.O

If you are ever in a situation like mine, you will find it unique.

My best friend turned into my enemy. A girl I have known for 5 years suddenly doesn't act  like a best friend anymore,

A girl I have known for 12 yrs ,I barely see her........T.T

A guy who I like for the first three years of high school, turned into my best friend....

We talked about anything and everything ,even my blant not so obvious crush on  him, I was a shy geek back then, I am not fond of my behavior then, it .

If I wasn't so shy, maybe I would be better friends with him then, but I can't change the past,

He has turned into my greatest confidante, my protector, my best guy friend,

Just want to say that.


x-o-x-o ~Mel


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Hey, we have share the same story! my crush became my best friend too:3 I share everything with him and he shares everything with me. I like it better like this. Maybe things are better off this way ? Haha.
Well least you guys are friends.
That's so much better, least you are talking. :3
I was a shy geek too, I hate looking back on that stuff.
It's too embarrassing.
Well atleast thats better than me..
My crush turned into my enemy..We both hated eachother so much.
Sadly, i moved to another school and i never saw him again :/
tolerance #4
I know how you feel. That happened to me.