Rent/Buy a Boyfriend Form =D

 Rent/Buy a Boyfriend Form

I know I'm technically supposed to choose rent or buy, but since the apps are the basically the same and I REALLY love your fic and would love to get in, I just wanted to show that you could pick Aimi for rent or buy if you like her enough for one but there's someone else you want for the other spot =D

Kwon Airi

AFF username: TheBestOfKpop

AFF profile link:  click!!!

Basic Information~

Name: Kwon Aimi

Nickname/s: Mimi

Age: 17

Birthdate: 06/13/93

Blood type: AB

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese 1/2 Korean


Height: 165 cm

Weight; 49 kg

Name of your ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo

Ulzzang Pictures:  1 |  2 3 4 5 6 more

Back up ulzzang: Ban Nam Gyu

Picture Links:  1 | 2 3 | 4 5 more



⇒ She is an optimist, to the extreme. Everything has a good side in Aimi's view and the good always out weighs the bad. If she's in the middle of a bad situation or her friends are having trouble, she always finds a way to make a bright side. And I mean ALWAYS. Even if your entire family was murdered and you were put into an orphange, Aimi could find something good and make it seem like a big deal. Usually, a big enough deal to at least brighten up the person's day and shine a new light on the situation that they are in. Aimi loves helping people feel better and it gives her a wonderful feeling in the pit of her stomach whenever she makes someone smile. This not only applies to her optumism. She also loves cracking jokes (though most of her jokes are corny) in order to see people laugh and have a good time. She can't stand it when people cry and she will do literally anything in order to turn a person's frown upsidedown.

⇒You could easily describe Aimi as an airhead. She doesn't think a lot and whenever she's in school she ends up zoning out and daydreaming during class. She always imagines herself to be off in some other world with weird qualities (like unicorns that eat rainbows and poop butterflies) that she does fun stuff in (like flying around or taming a unicorn). Sometimes she even talks out loud without realizing it while she daydreams. As you can imagine, she isn't the best student. She is known as rather dumb, but in a fun way. She tries, though not overly so. School just doesn't seem important to her and she isn't motivated to do her best at it.

⇒ Aimi is always smiling and laughing. She loves to have a good time and finds that when she smiles, others smile along. This makes her happy so its almost impossible to catch Aimi not smiling. She also loves jokes (both telling and hearing) and she will laugh at them no matter how bad and/or corny they are. It's not that she find any type of joke halarious, she just likes the excuse to laugh.

⇒ She is known to be extremely random. This, many say, goes along with her empty-headedness. She will say the most random things (such as purple butterfies or African milkshakes) at the strangest times. She can completely change the subject when your in the middle of a conversation and sometimes she'll give you an answer to a question that makes absolutely no sense (ex: How are you doing in school? It's extremely musical). Also, she sometimes cuts people off to start a whole new subject. For example, you could be in the middle of discussing how the basketball game last night was and Aimi could cut in and start talking about how adorable puppies are.

⇒ Aimi is obssessed with anything lovey-dovey. She finds it absolutely adorable and one of her favorite things is to watch cheesy soap operas and other intimate shows. She loves the drama and the only time she dislikes a show like those is when it ends. She doesn't care whether it's a sad ending or a happy ending, she just gets way too attached to the characters and she can't stand it when a show comes to an end. To her, it's almost like all the people in the show died and their lives ceased to exist. When one of the shows she watches ends, she'll throw a temper tantrum and be depressed for up to a week (depending how much she liked the show). Anyway, back to the lovey-dovey, she is in love with love. She thinks its the cutest thing to watch a couple do cutesy couple things and, though she doesn't realize it, she often makes situations awkward by staring intently at a couple (whether it be her friends or some random strangers) as they flirt and do coupley things. This is why she's never invited to hand out with her friends and their boyfriends/girlfriends.

⇒ Aimi is usually a really good listener. Weird, right? You would expect a random airhead to be someone who constantly talks. In Aimi's case, you'd be wrong. She loves to listen to others and hear about their problems and their accomplishments. She likes to listen not just to hear all the juicy gossip, but because she actually cares. Aimi has this desire to help everyone and anyone who needs her help. If someone needs a place to stay, she'll offer up her home without even a second thought. You would think that this is a good quality, but Aimi pushes it a bit too far. She will often promise to do things for people that its impossible for her to follow through with or she'll offer things that severely hurt her. Though she always means well, she often ends up just getting people's hopes up and then letting them down. Aimi hates doing this, but she can't seem to stop offering up her help at every opportunity that presents itself.

⇒ Aimi is very insecure about her real self. It's something that she keeps hidden behind her smile and airheadedness. Her personality is not totally a facade, but she deffinately doesn't openly show her true personality. She really does like to see the good side to things and she does like to listen and help people, but the airheadedness and extreme love for lovey stuff are extremely overexaggerated. She puts on this face in order to please others. She thinks that people will like her better if she is like the person described above. Aimi knows that she's hiding behind a mask and she wants to show her true colors, but it confused how to. She is actually quite smart and often catches on to things very quickly, but she pretends to be oblivioius in order to keep her character. She hates when she does this but she is afraid what would happen if she acted out of character. She is always afraid that she is going to make a mistake or do something that others will think badly of her because of. She wants to be everyone's ideal and she thinks that she can accomplish this by putting on a fake face even if it hurts her.

⇒ A brief summary of her true personality: quick witted - she realizes things usually before most people and she often comes up with witty things to say, but she keeps them inside and pretends to be oblivious for the sake of her character. Though she does like to look on the happy side of things and she has a natural nack for seeking out the good in situations, she often wants to just sulk and wallow in her sorrow though she doesn't in order to keep up her appearance. Though random things do come to her head a lot, she would prefer to keep them to herself. She finds it somewhat embarrassing to blurt out random and odd things, but she does it anyway to please others. (The parts about being a good listener, wanting to help people, and generally liking to smile in order to make others happy is all true about her real self)

⇒ Since she always tries her hardest to appear happy in order to keep others happy, her true feelings get buried under her smiles. Sometimes, this becomes too much for Aimi and she'll curl up and cry her eyes out. She never tells anyone about these times, not even her family and best friends, because even they don't know the real her.


  • soap operas | though her love for them is overexaggerated, she does enjoy watching them and is usually upset when they end
  • smiling | she likes to smile in order to make others smile though sometimes she wishes she didn't have to smile constantly
  • sour patch kids | the sweet and sour together makes her think of her own duel nature and she often eats them when she is upset, but can't show it in fear of ruining her character
  • music | it helps her to forget. one of her favorite things to do is just sit back and lose herself in the music
  • summer | Aimi prefers the warm weather any day and can't stand the cold weather
  • taking hot showers | they just seem to wipe away any stress that she has
  • clubbing | she honestly loves how you can totally forget about everything else at a club and just be yourself dancing to the music
  • chocolate | her favorite food is dark chocolate and she could eat it all day every day


  • her facade | no matter how much she tires, she can't seem to break her false character and let her true self shine through
  • letting people down | she loves helping people and making them feel better, but when she lets them down she feels awful about it
  • spicy food | the burning feeling in reminds her of fire which is her one fear
  • getting up early | Aimi is not a morning person and she can be very grumpy (which doesn't fit her persona so she tries not to let anyone see her during this time)
  • the cold | it nips at her skin and makes her feel uncomfortable
  • rain | it's hard for her to act peppy when the world around her looks depressing and sad
  • crying | again, against her character and obviously not something enjoyable


  • swimming | it's something that Aimi has always been good at and she was on the swim team for multiple years though she quit a couple years ago
  • dancing | Aimi has to work hard at her dancing and has never been too great at it, but it helps her to let out her emotions and feel closer to her brother even though she hardly sees him
  • writing | she most commonly writes in her journal and this is the one place where she feels she can really be herself. Her biggest fear is someone finding this journal and realizing that she isn't who she appears to be


  • Acting like someone she's not
  • Laughing at corny jokes | part of her mask. she often thinks to herself while she's laughing "Wow that joke was stupid, but I'm gonna laugh anyway"
  • biting the insides of her cheek when she wants to say something but it would be too out of character


  • Her favorite color is blue and she loves all shades of it.
  • She has a somewhat photographic memory and can sometimes remember weird little details because of it.
  • She was born on a Friday the 13th and is sometimes seen as unlucky because of it, though she sees all Friday the 13ths as her lucky days because of it.
  • Her biggest fear is fire. Something about it scares her senseless and she can't be within 15 feet of an open flame.


Family members:

  • Kwon Misook | Mother | 50 | Wedding designer | She is an extremely busy woman. She always has at least five weddings on her hands and she always has to make them absolutely perfect. Yes, she's a perfectionist. Big time. The house always needs to be perfectly clean, the clothes need to be perfectly folded, the grades need to be perfect. Obviously, Aimi doesn't always live up to her mother's standards. The relationship between the two is basically Aimi getting yelled at and punished and Misook lending her money (since she has plenty of it). The two are not close at all and they are almost non-existant in each other's lives.
  • Kwon Seohyun | Father | 51 | Real Estate Agent | Aimi has never really met her father. He lives in America and divorced Misook when Aimi was only 2. Thanks to her photographic memory, she can still pull up images of him though she has no idea what he is like. According to outside sources, he wasn't the most pleasant man and Aimi strangely feels no urge to ever meet him.
  • Kwon Jiyong | Older Brother | 23 | Member of BigBang (Gdragon) | He is very sweet to Aimi and knows that she puts on a fake mask, though he has never seen the true her. He has tried to get her to open up to him, but Aimi just can't do it. Jiyong eventually gave up and simply promised to love her and be there for her no matter what. Aimi really loves Jiyong, but they don't get to see each other often because of Jiyong's busy schedule. In order to feel close to him, Aimi dances.


  • Choi Seung-hyun | Being a member of BigBang with Aimi's brother, they have met and become somewhat close.
  • Jonghyun (SHINee)

Best friend/s:

  • Hyorin (sistar)

Crush (if any):

  • Taemin | 18 | Aimi has never really talked to him, but she can't help but feel that he knows what she's going through. Everyone always thinks that he's a cute, sweet, innocent boy when he is really just like any other 18 year old guy. He has his ertedness and him manliness, but he's forced to hide them like Aimi is forced to hide her real self.

Preferred Boyfriend: Exo's Luhan 


Do you work? If yes, where?: She doesn't work because her mom gives her all the money she needs.

Occupation?: Senior in high school.

Reason why you want to rent/buy a boyfriend?: I love watching lovey-dovey stuff (even though I exaggerate it a bit) and I want to experience the feelings for myself instead of just watching them on a screen. Also, maybe having someone there for me as a boyfriend will help me come out of my shell a bit. It's not a completely out of character thing for me to do, but it's deffinately something more like what the real me would do. I guess it's a next step to showing my true colors. 


I hope you like Aimi =D I you have any questions or need me to change anything please let me know XD oh and if the personality was too confusing, please tell me and I'll change it!!!


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