phantom of the opera rant... cause it popped into my mind^^

ok, so I recently watched it for the first time, the 2004 version... and well, I love the music, I love the imagery, I love just about everything except for the thing that everyone else seemed to love- the Christine/Eric pairing...


IDK, it's pretty hot, but when you think about it, she went to live in the opera house back when she was a wee child and he's been inlove with her since 0.0


there's that, and the fact that he pretty much kidnapped her- Stockholm syndrome much -.-


Maybe I'm just over analyzing these kinds of things, I just never got the "fall inlove with you captor" fad, I mean he took you from your friends and family, he freaking forced you... maybe it's just me, I guess if written well it could be y and stuff but Idk, my inner feminist is screaming -.-


but yeah, I liked Raoul... and apparently everyone hates him, I rather liked him though, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy, his little "it was just a dream" comment was annoying but I can look past that^^ maybe it was just the actor though, I found him quite adorable and had a sweetness about him that I quite enjoyed^^


to switch it up a bit, I found the main chick pretty annoying, though that's not much of a surprise, I've never really liked Heroines in love triangle stories especially when they're in their "trance" mode when one of said love interests enters, I mean it just kinda seems unhealthy to be that into a guy who kills people so easily -.-


but yeah, nothing against any Phantom/main chick peeps, I didn't hate it or anything, I just had a few peevs here and there -.- I sorta just wrote this because most people hated Raoul and it kinda irked me, but well, you can't like everyone I guess....


anyways, this rant is a bit of a hint towards a story that I've been writing, and well, if you're reading said story you'll understand ;) (I may have just given it away^^)


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MeGustaa #1
I agree.
I'm thinking about writing a fic about it but I'm not sure how to do it correctly xD