Perform Congruence Transformations

An operation that moves or changes a geometric figure in some way to produce a new figure

The new figure produced

e.g. Triangle ABC -> Triangle PQR // Triangle A ' B ' C 
         original figure    ->         image

Three Types of Transformations:

Translation: Moves every point of a figure the same fistance in the same direction. 

Reflection: Uses a line of reflection to create a mirror image of the original figure.

Rotation: Turns a figure about a fixed point, called the center of rotation.

Congruence Transformation:
Changes the position of the figure without changing its size or shape. 

Translate A Figure In The Coordinate Plane:
Moving an object a given distance right or left and up or down.

*Coordinate Notation for a Translation:
You can describe a translationg by the notation;

(x,y) -> (x+a, y+b)

which shows that each point (x,y) of a figure is translated horizontally a units and vertically b units.

(lmao ignore this guys, this is for Stephderp)


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Ew, geometry.___.