Personal Message

Hai ; My Name Is Tiffany!

Harro there. ^^;; 

My name is Tiffany! Last name = Unidentified. Mwuahahaha. 

Anyways, let's get to the point here l o l.

I am 14 years old currently living in California!
I am a freshamn that attends CeHS.

I am Indonesian-Chinese but also mixed with Dutch and Javanese. 

And uhm... yeah. Add me as a friend, I love talking to people haha and I promise I don't bite. :D

I'm actually really chill, derpy, and preeetttyyy stupid once you get to know me tbh. :D

Follow Me, Add Me, All That Stoof. (But keep that we met on the internet a secret LOL)

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About Me

Farewell Friends, 'till next time.