I`m a JongHee shipper(:

Heey guys (; It`s saturday night and I really should be writing right now, so I can update soon...

but no~ i`m here writing a blog post -.-"

LOL~ ierno why, I just felt like writing one for no reason.

I was taking a break from writing Hidden Deception because I was trying to finish an old fanfic (Idealistically Forgotten), which is only about 5-6 chapters away from completion, so when I finish, I need to post that up(;

Anyways~ thats not important xP I randomly felt like promoting my ultimate ship<3

In case you guys haven`t noticed, I write alot of JongHee.

It may seem really random and some people probably think I absolutely have no basis for this coupling, and which, I really don`t, but I just find them so amazing together<3

I call JongHee my ultimate fantasy couple ~ with fantasy meaning both amazing yet impossible LOLOL

I really think if SungHee were to come back, JongHee would be a really cute coupling. And better yet, I`m probably the originator and one and only shipper in Kpop(:

...I`m absolutely fine with it ^^ It makes me feel special if it becomes semi-popular one day. Haha, which I highly doubt it will, but I still like the unique fact that I`m like the only author who writes JongHee.

I guess you can say, its like my trademark<3

But anyways. Here are some reasons WHY I like JongHee besides that JongHyun is my bias in SHINee and SungHee is my bias in Old KARA:

1. They both have amazing voices ~ really powerful O; and just beautiful, while they have dorky characters/personality sometimes. Omgosh. A duet wouldn`t be bad ke ke ^^

2. SungHee-unnie says she`s shy towards people whom she`s not familiar/close with (ierno, read it somewhere in an interview I think o.o) and our JongHyun is just the opposite -.- He doesn`t stop talking LOL and just socializes/talks all the time whenever SHINee does interviews and stuff. So its like opposites attract and it just makes up for it(:

3. JongHyun`s ideal type are women who are like a "fox" (?) so i`m just thinking someone really seductive and pretty, and he likes pale, shorter girls. SungHee isn`t short-short but I don`t think she`s really tall either(; and she`s really pretty ^^

4. SungHee`s a fan of Park HyoShin, I think o.o & JongHyun sang Yuki No Hana (Korean version and Japanese version) by ParkHyoShin/Nakashima Mika twice. ke ke so maybe they like the same singer? (:

5. They both have this thing about them that makes them the ii icon of their respective groups. Do you get what I`m saying? o.o

**If you suddenly decide one day that you`re going to ship JongHee one day,

please do not take this list and reupload w/o crediting

(i.e "cr:SHINeeStars")

LOL. omgosh. JongHee ftw(; my favorite JongHyun coupling (although I`m really liking JongSica lately o.o)

Anyways, I think that I have a perfect plan.

Like I want JongHyun to go on WGM since he`s never really had any solo activities yet, so I think WGM is perfect for a romantic like him ke ke ke ^^

& I want JongHyun to go on WGM with SungHee when she comes back.

Like I was thinking for JongHee to go on WGM as part of SungHee`s comeback into the Kpop Entertainment.

(haha, yes, I`m completely daydreaming here right now, but its surprisingly satisfying to my fangirl mind .______.)


It`ll be amazing, wouldn`t it? JongHyun`s a romantic and they are both dorks sometimes xP

and and ~ like Jo-Kwon and GaIn, they can have a duet too~ it`ll be a beautiful ballad O;

I can just see it already!~ I want that to happen >~<

because like isn`t that what Solbi did with Andy from Shinhwa? Like she came back as a singer and part of her comeback was on WGM O;

ierno where I heard that from btw .___.

LOL I feel like a genius sometimes ~ ke ke ke ^^ its quite an amazing feeling quite frankly xD

Btw, if you don`t know who SungHee is, or what she sounds like. She has an amazing voice:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pc4TwTlkug  <~ Can you believe this is a 15-year old singing? O____O"

I`m badazzled & I think JongHee would sound just heavenly together if it happens one day xD


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for a minute there i thought u were gonna put heechul hes mine and only mine