49 Days

In just a few short days the last two episodes of "49 Days" will air, and my favorite Kdrama of the season will come to an end.

I've enjoyed this fresh, funny, romantic, slice of life series, because it was never predictable, it was written well, and the characters are so intriguing!  Every episode was chockfull of goodness!

Now I would LOVE to read a fanfic with a similar premise... Where someone can 'borrow' someone else's body for a short period of time, sort of like "Heaven Can Wait..." or in some regard like "Joe Black."

I've already got my hands full with my fics, so I doubt I'll get to be able to write something like that, but if any of you fabulous writers need a fuzzy bunny plot, there you have it!  LOL  Just be sure to keep me posted!  


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katdiva #1
Damn. I just invested 19 hours of my life in this awesome drama, only to have the last episode, #20, blow up in my face! What happened? What were the writers, Producers, Director thinking??? Did they get pissed off at something, or just determined not to let anyone be happy in the end?? Which is so OFF considering that this was a very light, romantic, slice of life (NOT DEATH) drama! GEEZ! #*%$&#)(%
Have considered making a fic of this kind of idea actually. But I can write this for now. XD