5 favorite Kpop Groups



Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:

  1. Infinite
  2. Block B
  3. Mblaq
  4. B1A4
  5. B.A.P

Who is your favorite person from #2:

Woo Jiho a.k.a Zico

Who is your least favorite from #1:

None actually~!!

What is your favorite song from #4:

all of their songs~!! <3 

What is your favorite era from #5:

I don't know, they're still a rookie~

What is your favorite OTP from #3:

MirJoonDeong~ <3

What your least favorite OTP from #2:

U-Bomb~!! [favorite] >> TaeHo [least]

How long have you been a fan of #1:

Since BTD days.. on the end of 2010 ,December..

Bias in #5:

J U N G  D A E H Y U N  < 3 

Favorite music video in group #4:

Baby I'm Sorry.. ? 

How did you find out about #3:

ahh~ I found out about Mir and Doongie when they were guesting on SJ's show.. and began to be an A+

Favorite thing about group #4:

They're Playful and Unique..? well.. atleast for me..

Most played song on your cellphone/ Ipod from group #2:

I think nalina.

Rank favorite to least from #1, #2, #5:

B.A.P > Infinite - Block B 

Which have you seen more variety shows from #1, #3:

I think It's Infinite..

If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?:

Gongchan~ <3

Who do [would?] you hang out the most with in #5:

I wish I could hang out with Daehyun~ or Zelo~~!!

What would you change about #3:

Nothing really~ I Love them just the way they are~!

Would a collab with #2 and #5 work?:

Hell Yeah!! That would Be a dream come true~!! <3 Hep Hap Man! BlockB.A.P~!! <3

Who would you want to meet the most in #3:

Park Cheondoong Oppa~!! <3

If you had to choose between seeing #4 or #2 who would you choose?

I can't choose~ I love the two of them~!! I would like to see both groups~!! BlockB1a4~!! Fighting~!! <3


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